He uses a Meditite and a Machoke this time, so I decide to go into Togetic, with the Flying and Fairy moves, both Pokemon are defeated with ease. "I'm so hungry, kid... I don't have any strength left..."

And since we can go through the sandbox to the top row. The Black Belt Colby says, "I will strike a blow for love with my fist! Hiayh, loooooooove!"

He uses three Machokes this time, and I go with Butterfree since it has the endurance when it comes to Fighting Type Pokemon, all three Machoke are defeated in the end. "Argh! Crunched!"

And we can't go through the doors once more, so we decide to head to the right column and face the final gym trainer named Rafael. He says, "I will strike a blow for hope with my fist! Hiayn! Hooooooppppe!"

He only uses a Meditite, and all four of them really yell strange words. I use Spiritomb this time and since both Psychic and Fighting moves aren't going to use on him, it is an easy victory for me. "We came up short but not by much."

After pushing the walls, we finally reach the gym leader Maylene. She says, "I don't really know what it means to be strong, or how I got to be the Gym Leader. But I will do the best I can as the Gym Leader. I take battling very seriously. Whenever you're ready!"

Her first Pokemon is Meditite, and I go with Togetic to battle, the Detect from Meditite is really annoying, but Togetic is much stronger and it uses Fairy Wind to defeat her. The next is Machoke, which defeats Togetic with a Rock Tomb that I wasn't expecting, so I go with Gallade, using its Psycho Cut to defeat the Pokemon. The final Pokemon is Lucario, and it defeats Gallade with Bone Rush and Metal Claw, so I use Mismagius, with the Levitate ability causes Lucario's Bone Rush to miss and the Ghost moves to miss as well, in the end, Mismagius wins by using Shadow Ball.

"...OK. You win. That was a tough loss. I learned a lot from it. Please, accept this Gym Badge." Maylene gives me the Cobble Badge, and she says, "Um... I should explain about that Badge. If you have that official Pokémon League Badge, you can use the hidden move Fly outside of battle."

Fly? Not Defog or Strength? Well, this is interesting. Lillie's turn is next, and Maylene says, "Here we go, Lillie. Let's give everything we got!"

"Of course." Lillie says. "I'm going to win just like Ash!"

She starts Machoke first this time, and Lillie goes for Bronzor. Lillie commands Bronzor to use Gyro Ball, but Machoke counters it with Brick Break.

"She's using Brick Break as a defense..." I say.

"Sounds like a warrior like Maylene will do." Daniel ads.

Lillie has Bronzor pushback, using Zen Headbutt next. Machoke easily dodges it and Maylene commands her Machoke to use Cross Chop, leading Bronzor to take a powerful hit. Maylene commands her Machoke to keep using Brick Break which hits Bronzor multiple times.

"I don't think Bronzor can take more hits..." Gladion says.

Maylene commands her Machoke to use Seismic Toss as a finishing attack, but Bronzor goes for Gyro Ball again, and this time it uses Psyshock and hit Machoke, which leads to Machoke being knocked out.

"Way to go, Bronzor!" Lillie cheers.

"I'm impressed by your move. Now time to bring out my second Pokemon, Meditite!"

So Meditite is next. Lillie commands Bronzor to use Gyro Ball, but Meditite easily counters it with Detect and then uses Meditate to boost its attack power.

"That's the same thing that he did to me..." I say. Bronzor uses Gyro Ball again, but Maylene commands her Meditite to use Detect, and then Meditate to raise its attack power again so it can finish it all in one hit.

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