Chapter 3.0

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It's been a week since Sam as begun to fear that Jacob Black will phase. He, and the rest of the boys, have noticed Jacob's grown rather rapidly. He's taller by at least a foot than before, more muscular when he doesn't work out. Just like what happened to all the boys.
Sam's also concerned because I've been sick the past few months, and yesterday, I realized I haven't had my period in two months. I took four pregnancy tests yesterday, all were positive. Sam and the pack are excited, as are the elders, but their also worried because attacks have gone up. Two vampires keep coming and killing hikers before the pack can catch them. I have faith though that they will kill them before they can hurt anyone else.

Jacob has now phased...tensions are high in the pack. Sam offered to step down and let Jake take his rightful place as Alpha, Jake refused, saying he never wanted this. What he so easily forgets is that none of the boys wanted this, they just decided to embrace the cards that they were dealt and live the best lives that they can.
He keeps asking if he can go see Bella, talk to her, Sam refuses his requests like he does with all the boys. It's better this way, Sam feels, it keeps people safer especially since Jacob doesn't have a tight grip on his emotions, he is not struggling as much as Paul - even though he has made a lot of progress - but Jacob's temper is still concerning.

It's been a few weeks, Sam said they spotted jake talking to Bella the other day in front of his house. She came to confront - more like beg - him to come back to her, he told that he knew about the Cullens. The rest of the boys aren't happy he spilled this, because I explained to sam that that will just make her curious for more knowledge of what is going on.

It's the next day since the boys found out that jacob visited Bella in the night. I have never been scared for someone's life as much as I was for Jake's when they found out, I wasn't sure who was going to kill him first...the boys or me? Bella doesn't need to be drug into this world anymore than the Cullens had showed her, it's safer for her to move on, to live a normal life. But jake is too naive to see that she will never love him, she will never choose him even when there is no other option.
I sigh out because of my thoughts as I place the now cooled blueberry muffins onto a platter, as I hear the infamous holler/howl of the boys. I smile, looking up to see Jared walk in.

Third Person

Jared leaves a nervous Isabella Swan with his fellow pack mate, Embry, and walks into the comforting house of not only his Alpha and his fiancé, but the two people Jared sees as his closest friends.
"Oh, about your sister. Try not to stare or ask questions, it bugs Sam." Embry tells the pale teenage girl before walking inside himself, he is wanting to make sure now that she knows the truth, she won't make Andy nor Sam uncomfortable.


"You boys hungry?" I ask before giggling as they each take two muffins, "Like I have to ask." Before I can say anymore as they both demolish the first muffin, I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I am shocked as i turn and see it's my little sister. "What is she doing here?"
"She slapped Paul and he lost control, Sam's handling it." Jared tells the woman he sees as one of his best friends.
"Let me Guess, jake gave some hints on his nightly visit?" I ask her and she sputters out noises, confirming my suspicions. "He really needs to learn to shut up for once." I shake my head in disappointment.
"He can tell me whatever he wants to." She huffs out, a red hue slowly coming over her face.
"He actually can't. Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want them to or not. And check it out! We can hear each others thoughts." Embry tells her, proud of his new abilities.
"Would you shut up? These are trade secrets, damnit! This chick runs with vampires." Jared exclaims, shoving Embry's shoulder but the boy is un-phased as he continues to eat.
"You can't really run with vampires. They're fast." Bella says, wanting to one up Jared.
"Yeah, well, we're faster. Freaked out yet?" Jared comes back at her and I smile, if you want someone that will always have a response, it's him. Bella shakes her head 'no' at his question, saying,
"You aren't the first monsters I've met." This angers me. I spend so much time trying to convince all the boys not to think of themselves as monsters when they first phase, trying to convince Sam everyday that he isn't one after the incident, but before I can tell her to shut her mouth and never call them that again, Sam walks in and over to me.
"Jake's right, you're good with weird." Sam says, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into his body and placing chaste kisses all over my face before landing on my lips. "Calm down." He whispers in my ear after pulling away from our kiss. I roll my eyes before instructing him to eat before the boys eat it all themselves.

Third Person

Once Jacob reaches Sam and Andy's house, he asks Bella to take a walk with him, she agrees. As Jacob Black and Isabella Swan reach the beach that isn't too far from the home, Bella speaks up.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I couldn't. It's a tribe secret, only few can know." Jacob answers her with a shrug of his shoulders.
"But Andy-"
"Andy is one of the few."
"Because she's Sam's fiancé?" Bella asks him.
"Something like that, she's much more to him and the rest of us, but that's the simple answer."
"What do you-"
"Are all your questions about Andy or do you have others?" Jacob cuts his friend off, not wanting to tell her about imprinting because he's sad that he didn't imprint in her.
"Why do you have to distance yourselves from others?" Bella asks, taking the hint that Jacob didn't want to talk about Andy anymore.
"It's dangerous."
"You've seen Andy. A bear didn't do that, Bells." Jacob tells her and he watches her freeze, eyes wide.
"Who did that to her?"
"Sam. It was an accident though, he feels terrible about it."
"Why would she stay with him?"
"Same reason you stayed with your bloodsucker even though you have a scar on your wrist." Jacob comes back, feeling the need to defend his Alpha for it was an honest mistake.
"That's different, he didn't do this to me." Bella defends her ex boyfriend.
"But would you have gotten it if you would have never met him?" Jake asks, shutting his friend up. "And Sam tried ending everything after the accident, his relationship along with his life. But Andy wouldn't let him. She understood that they both did things they regretted, Sam regretted losing his temper and hurting her and Andy regrets what she said to make him lose control."
"Why'd she say?"
"It's not my place to say."
"But what does that have to do with you leaving me?"
"Sam and the elders agreed that it would be safer for everyone else if once we phased, we distanced ourselves from them. So no one has to go through what Andy did."
"That's bullsh-"
"It's not, though. Our job is to protect people, not hurt them."
"But you're the ones killing hikers."
"Don't lie to me, Jake."
"Bella, we only kill one thing. And that's bloodsuckers."
"We're after a redhead, she keeps coming back but she's hard to catch. We can't figure out what she's after."
"Victoria. She's after me."

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