Chapter 1.1

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Third Person

Andria Swan is currently cleaning tables after the lunch rush at Sully's Diner when she hears the bell above the door jingle. She looks to see a two men from - she assumes - the nearby reservation walk in. She quickly finishes wiping off the table and notices that they sat down in her section. She throws her rag in the bucket before walking over to them, placing the menus down in front of them. Once she really looks, she realizes one of them is Harry Clearwater.


"How are you doing, Harry?" I ask, a happy smile upon my face.
"I'm doing great, Andy, how about you?" He smiles, warmly.
"Living day by day like always." I chuckle. "So, what can I get you two to drink?"
"I'll take a Diet Coke." Harry tells me, I quickly write it down before turning to the other man.
"And for you?" I ask, but as we lock eyes I suddenly feel warm and fuzzy inside. His eyes are the darkest shade of brown I have ever seen, almost a black color. Just before I could think more on his handsome appearance, Harry clears his throat.
"U-Umm...I'll take a Dr. Pepper." The man says and I smile, telling them that I would be right back with their drinks.

Third Person

"Har-Harry, what just happened?" Sam asks the council member.
"What did you see?" Harry returns instead of with an answer, he asks a question.
"My-Our future. We were together." Sam sputters out, his mind trying to comprehend what his heart is feeling.
"You imprinted. Remember the third wife?" The elder asks the man across from him and he sees realization come upon the eighteen year old's face.
"What about Leah?" Sam asks, guilt and sadness filling him as not only does he now not desire to be with her, but he is talking to her father as he is coming to this conclusion.
"Break it off. It will only hurt you both to stay together, Leah is a strong girl. She will live." Just before Sam can ask more questions, Andria returns to their table with their sodas.
"Here you guys are. Do we know what we're having or do we need a few more minutes?" Andria asks, notepad and pen at the ready just in case.
"Well, I'll have a burger with everything and a side of fries." Harry orders and Andria quickly jots down his order.
"What about you?" The girl asks, suddenly feeling shy under the handsome man's eyes.
"Triple cheeseburger with everything and two sides of fries, please." Sam orders, not being able to take his eyes off of his imprint as she concentrates on writing as he orders as to not miss anything.
"Alright, food will be out shortly." Andria informs them, quickly walking to the kitchen to give the cook their orders before she goes back to cleaning up from the messy lunch rush.
Once Sam is sure their waitress is out of earshot, he begins questioning the Clearwater man again.
"What's her name?" This causes the elder to chuckle.
"Andria Swan, but she normally goes by Andy. Chief Swan's oldest. Your age." Harry tells him and can see that Sam is committing this to memory. "She usually works everyday but Sunday, of course, 'cause their closed. She is also single."

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