wake up

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(Author note: Little Friday the 13th release thingy i decided to do, I've been wanting to write Toby for awhile, and this one just felt right-


As your eyes adjusted to the bright light above you, memories came flooding back one by one. One moment, you were holding the hand of a boy, riding in a car- and then..? There was shouting, a young girl up front fighting with an older man, the older man was driving- and..

You hissed in pain as your brain tried to recall it's self from it's jet lag. Your hand came up to grasp your brow, but stopped upon feeling cords pulling at your hand and arm. You looked down, taking in the hospital gown, the white blankets that covered you, and the copious amounts of cords and wires that stuck out of your arm, feeding you different liquids- all in hopes of you staying alive. You sat up slowly this time, pulling yourself into a sitting position.. What happened again? 


That's right. 

The older man that was driving, from what you could remember in your hazy state- had been drunk, he swerved into oncoming traffic, effectively crashing you all into the wooded ditch below, wrapping the car around a tree just off the interstate. As your hazy memory parted it's self, you could remember the faint smell of smoke and the sound of panic all around you- but you couldn't make any of the words out. Your eyes adjusted, the boys hand you were holding- he was alive, but pinned between the metal of the door and the seat, catching his right arm. Despite the blood that flowed from his shoulder he didn't seem to feel it, and he was saying something you were struggling to understand. You found that you couldn't move ether, the seats catching your right arm as well- giving you and the boy similar injuries.

You followed his gaze, to the girl up front. Her head was whipped back unnaturally, her arms twisting in impossible angles, and her jaw was hanging on by a thread. Blood poured from her mouth as her rolled up eyes glared on in a look of freight and horror across her face, all her words she attempted to speak- were gaggled messes of what they should've been. Despite the gory mess in front of you, you couldn't take your eyes off of the form in front of the car window, as your head began to ping with pain. It's black snake like tendrils creeping in through the windows, licking at yours and the boys faces- a boys face that was hazy, and evaded your mind. One that hurt to remember no matter how hard you tried.


That things face, it.. 

Your eyes wondered up from your hospital bed as goose bumps shot their way up your arms. Wide, fearful eyes wondering up to the darkening corner of the room. Static began to fill your head as your eyes traveled up, taking in the darkest of suits you had ever seen in your life, a white dress shirt- clean of all imperfections, with a blank slate of a face to match. You felt your whole body go numb, all the pervious aches and pains you had just felt left your fore fronted mind- forcing you into a primal mode as it loomed over you. 

And you? 

You screamed, a loud, shrill shriek from your dried throat, one you hadn't used in weeks since the crash, not since the paramedics pulled you out unconscious, after fainting at the sight of the thing. A dozen bodies seemed to file into the room, all wearing different types of blue scrubs and white coats as they huddled in to sooth your cries- and perhaps slip something into your IV. 

As one moment you were screaming, panicking- and the next? You're now sitting with a hot chocolate grasped in your shaking, bandaged hands, a kind nurse sitting in a chair off to your side, gently brushing your tangled hair- hair that hadn't been brushed since before being forced into emergency surgery, one that had tangled and matted your hair up in an attempt to save your life successfully.  

Remember me, My Dear (Possessive! Stalker! Ticci Toby X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now