𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗

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I'm so sorry that I change the cover of this ff all the time lol😭🤠. I'm just not satisfied, but I think this one I have rn is the one. AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE PIC FOR THE COVER OF THIS CHAPTER?!!? THIS IS LITERALLY MY FAV PIC OF SUNOO NOW😭😭😭🫶🫶

He just so gorgeous *sob*

I can't believe that we're 3,04k readers now!😭
Thank you so so so so so so so SOOOOOOO FREAKING MUCH!
I'm so thankful for every single reader😭🫶


Let's start with the chapter 🤠🫶


She takes my hand and pulls me with her. We rush downstairs with our bags and she excitedly puts her shoes on with me. I can't help it but smile at her the whole time. She's just so adorable...

I can't believe that she's actually my girlfriend..like- she's MY girl! MINE! That's so unbelievable! I dreamed of that my whole life and now she really is my girl. I could cry of happiness.

"Okay, mom! We're going now! Bye bye! Love y'all!!" She shouts. And takes my hand again, as I finished putting on my shoes.
"Bye bye!" I say.
"Bye! Have fun!" Her mom says.
She looks at me with a bright smile.
"Your hair really looks amazing. I did a great job" I say proudly.
She chuckles.
"Yes, you did, my sun"
She comes a bit closer and kisses my cheek.
"Let's go now"
We walk out of her house and immediately got greeted by Ji-won and Jungwon. They hug us and we walk to the park together. The whole way I'm not letting off of her hand or pinky. I just want to keep her as close to me as possible.

She talks about how amazed she is with the sky and I just admire her beautiful side profile. Her sweet voice always warms up my heart and I love her so much.

"But you're still prettier" I say.
She looks at me.
"Nah. The sky is a way prettier then me"
"Your opinion. But in my opinion you're the most beautiful human on this earth..after me"
She laughs.
"Ofc..you're also very beautiful, baby" she says.
"I know"
"They're literally so cute" Ji-won says while hugging her boyfriends arm.
"Mhm..but we're cuter"
"Of course we are!"
We chuckle.
"You guys are really cute too. I'm so happy for you..I still remember all the long ass texts Ji-won send me about loving you so much or the way she talked 24/7 about you" Y/n says to Jungwon.
Jungwon chuckles and blushes.

"Oh, Jungwonie was the same! Every day I heard him just saying: "Hyung, I really like her so much! Ji-won is just so pretty, smart, funny and kind!". It was so cute..and now to see you two like that" I say.
Now both of them are blushing and we're all laughing.
"Anyways...Omg look! The others!" Ji-won says and points at something. We all look at what she pointed and see our group there. They're screaming and panicking about something. I just hear Sunghoons voice screaming the loudest.
"FUCK OFF YOU BEE!" Mi-hi screams now.
"JAGI! WATCH YOUR WORDS!" Jay screams.
We arrive and see a whole chaos.

They're all running away because of a bee. I would definitely do the same tho. Omg is that...WHY IS RIKI RUNNING SO FAR AWAY?? Is he climbing on a tree now? Oh god, who's going to help that kid getting down from the tree later on?
"Sun..do you see Ni-ki there?" I say.
He looks at the tree far away from us.
"Oh my god..who's going to help that kid getting down from the tree later on?" He says

"Omg I just had the same thought!"
We look at each other.
"We're soulmates" I say.
"Duh! Ofc we are"
I give him a soft peck on his lips, which makes him blush.
He gets very shy and tries to hide his face.
"Y/n...not in public.."
I take his face on his cheeks and kiss his whole face.
"Don't you dare to call me by my full name again, mister Sunoo"
He just nods shyly while his whole face is literally glowing red.
"EW!" Mi-hi says.
"Mi-hi!" Jake says annoyed.
"They're cute together. Don't say ew" Jake says.
"But it's embarrassing"
Jay look at her annoyed and now kisses her cheek.
"Now sit down, babe. We should start with the picknick" Jay says and sits down with Mi-hi.
We sit down and just start to pack out the snacks and play some fun games.

𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 //  𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐨 𝐟𝐟Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat