"I think so...but we must stay calm." I say as we try to find our way out. "Let's go find Dawn and get out of here."

But just then, we look up and notice the group of Unown, Lillie says, "No wonder we feel familiar! This is Ruins of Alph all again..."

"Why are they attacking us? I mean it is cool to see an Unown..." Daniel says.

"I think they're confused. Something must have attacked them." I say. "I guess we've got no choice."

I have Pikachu use Thunderbolt on them, and Absol also uses Snarl. Kenny also has Breloom use Energy Ball. And just when they are back to normal, the place is also the same.

"Strange...what is going on here..." Gladion asks.

"I also want to know about that as well." Then we notice Dawn and Team Rocket on the ceiling. And much to our surprise, Aipom is not an Aipom anymore, but an Ambipom.

Ambipom: The Long Tail Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolved from Aipom by learning Double Hit. They work in large colonies and make rings by linking their tails, apparently in friendship.

"Dawn! Ambipom! What are you doing on the ceiling?" I ask.

"You're the ones on the ceilings!" Dawn says.

"I think this is the Unown's doing." Daniel says.

Lillie also decides to fight by having Bronzor use Extrasensory, and they also return back to normal, breaking the illusion. As the illusion lifts off, it is revealed that Dawn and Team Rocket are actually on the ceiling and subsequently they fall down on the floor.

"Oh no!" We all try to catch them, and I say, "That's great, Ambipom, you evolved!"

Ambipom is happy as Dawn and the others thank our Pokemon. Suddenly the door to the outside opens and we gets out. "So what have you done this time?" Gladion asks Team Rocket.

"We don't know a thing, just like always!" Instead of trying to take our Pokemon now with the chance, they just run away? That sure is a first.

Kenny then says, "Once we go back to the Pokemon Center, how about I teach your Pokemon Energy Ball? If you won't tell Dee-Dee how freaked out I am."

"Of course." I say as we all head back to the Pokemon Center. And once we get back there, I decide to share with Dawn and Lillie about the Solaceon Ruins.

"You see, just before I get out there, I find this." I say as I show two discs of HM for Defog. Dawn says, "Wow... another HM... but we can't use it, right?"

"We can't... until we get the right badge." Lillie says. "And in the Solaceon Ruins, Unown are the Pokemon there and there are rooms with only that letter of the Unown appear. Six rooms combined, they spell Friend."

"Interesting." Dawn says.

On the day before the Solaceon Town Pokémon Contest, I try to train Turtwig to use Energy Ball, while Kenny and his Breloom look on. However, the training is not going well, and the Energy Ball backfires before taking form, sending Turtwig flying.

"I think we should be keeping on having the Energy Ball formed for now." Kenny says. "But Turtwig has already got the hand on how to train hard. Which is the battle."

"Yeah...It should take some time." Lillie also agrees.

After that, Dawn, Kenny, and I enter the Contest and in the first round, Kenny is up first, and has Breloom begin with a Stun Spore. As the stage fills with the Stun Spore, Breloom's coat begins to shine. Kenny then has Breloom use the Energy Ball, and after using its tail to send the Energy Ball to the ceiling, Breloom uses Mach Punch on the Energy Ball, making the whole stage and Breloom shine.

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