At Emogrove Town, we meet up with Gardenia once again. Team Rocket tries to take Pikachu again, but Gardenia comes and hugs James' Cacnea and even asks to have a tag battle. Gardenia has advised Cacnea to use Drain Punch, but it can't learn it yet. So after the battle, James asks us to help him train the Drain Punch. But it fails a lot of times. So James decides to let Gardenia takes care of Cacnea as he and the rest of the group runs off.

After that, we meet Zoey again and this time she decides to watch how we are practicing, she also suggests to us that Buizel prefers to battle in the gyms and Aipom likes to partake in the contests, so we decide to help them out, but Team Rocket tries to capture those two Pokemon for James losing his Cacnea, but only to fail as we blast them off again.

During the training at Route 209, Ash and Gladion are training with Umbreon using Shadow Ball at Pikachu, only to dodge. But the attack accidentally hit the Hallowed Stone Tower. When we find the tower, Lillie says, "Look, there is something we can put in..."

"Maybe we should try the Odd Keystone that you found the other day?" Daniel asks as we put it inside. The tower immediately crumbles into bricks, which begin to glow on their own. The sky turns black and clouds roll in. In the rubble lies the Odd Keystone we placed. Lightning strikes the Odd Keystone and a Spiritomb emerges from it.

"It's a Spiritomb!" Gladion says. "It's a Ghost and Dark Type Pokemon..."

The Spiritomb sees me and Pikachu, and they roar, "You again!" If you ask why I say they, because I can hear 108 voices at the same time. Then it proceeds to attack us with Shadow Ball and Hyper Beam.

"Absol, use Dark Pulse, Togetic, Hidden Power. Counter them." As the two of the Pokemon attack, it dodges and then it uses Shadow Ball to knock Pikachu out before flying away.

"What is with the Spiritomb's deal?" Tox asks. "Is it angry that we disturb its sleep?"

Lillie says, "I heard that he sees Pikachu and says 'You again', does that mean he hated Pikachu?"

The next day, we arrive in at a nearby village to find it derelict. We hear stories about a strange Ghost-type Pokémon that attacked the village in the night and immediately connect this with Spiritomb.

We meet an old woman who tells them the story of a Spiritomb that terrorized the village and how an Aura Guardian with a Pikachu defeated and sealed away Spiritomb in the Hallowed Stone Tower 500 years ago.

"The Aura Guardian with a Pikachu destroyed the same tower 500 years ago?" Lillie asks me, "Is it you?"

"I didn't remember about it. But I should ask my Dad about it." I say as I leave the Spiritomb to others while contacting my father. After coming back, I say, "Yeah, my father is the one that sealed the Spiritomb. But I am going to capture it so it won't go back into the pain of being sealed."

Of course, my friends think the plan is nuts, but they still want to help us out. As we find the Spiritomb, the Spiritomb decides to attack us and I say, "The one who sealed you is my father, so you wanted revenge on my family, is that true, right?"

And the Spiritomb uses the Omnious Wind on Pikachu, who dodges in time. "If you want me, you have to catch me." I say as I run away.

I run to the ruins of the Hallowed Tower with Spiritomb in close pursuit. It stops us in our tracks by using Dark Pulse. Pikachu replies with a Quick Attack, but Spiritomb dodges. Then Pikachu uses Thunderbolt hitting Spiritomb which counters with Hyper Beam. They continue running, but Spiritomb stops them again. Pikachu continually uses Thunderbolt, getting more and more tired, while Spiritomb resists each attack. Then it uses Shadow Ball but misses Pikachu. It then initiates a Giga Impact, striking both of us. Pikachu falls to the ground, exhausted, as dark clouds gather above again.

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