Ch. 24: Still, And Awkward

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"So what does your friend have in mind about his schooling? Will he still go in? Won't his father try to find him at the school he goes to?"

Yeoreum's mother couldn't help but ask such questions as the weekend was coming to an end. And worry for the boy was showing in her tone, something so common from a woman as caring as her.

"You know, your classes aren't going to be suspended so long as the snow is still light, right? Has he said anything about what he plans to do?"

When the questions started coming, Yeoreum was folding laundry with her mother and Yeobin in the living room. Though, Yeobin wasn't so helpful because of how he tends to clumsily fold clothes. Something Yeoreum would often scold him for before she would make him do something else instead.

This day, however, she didn't even bother to pay attention to how her younger brother folded clothes. Just like her mother, her mind was troubled as well. And obviously, it also had something to do with the boy staying in their guest room.

"... I don't think he has plans to go back to school yet... He's wary, too. He knows that's the next place his father will be looking for him in," Yeoreum replied, her eyes glued to the clothes she was folding. But as she finished one piece of clothing, she looked up slightly, and in her peripheral vision, she saw her mother watching her. She eventually looked up to meet her mother's eyes with furrowwd brows. "What?"

"You've... never told us why he ran away," she suddenly spoke, making the girl raise her brows and blink repeatedly. "Well, you did say he ran away because his father was too authoritative. And Yeobin mentioned that your friend isn't allowed to be friends with just anyone, but... Is that really all?"

For a moment, Yeoreum almost cursed at mothers' instincts. It was true, apparently, and her mother was displaying it again. But, she wasn't so sure if Ricky was comfortable with the rest of her family knowing. Not even Yeobin knew that he was physically abused by his father. And Yeoreum often tells her younger brother almost everything.


Suddenly, Yeoreum was interrupted by the sound of shuffling footsteps coming from the stairs. Knowing who it was, she quickly stood up and turned just in time to see Ricky reach the bottom, and as she did, their eyes met, and then he stumbled.

"Hey, hey?!" The girl shouted in a panic as she ran to his aid, catching him just in time before he could fall any further. He froze as she did, and then he refused to look into her eyes as he fixed his stance.

"Uhm... Thanks." He was undoubtedly awkward, and it was so much that it was affecting even Yeoreum's often-enthusiastic younger brother and usually-composed mother. And then Ricky looked around the room, until his eyes landed on the pile of unfolded clothes sitting on the sofa. "Uhm... can I help?"

Yeoreum's mother spoke first, though undoubtedly taken aback by their guest's sudden offer for help. "Oh, sure! Of course, you can, sweetheart. It would be highly appreciated!"

That night, Yeoreum couldn't sleep at all.

Though it wouldn't really matter much since it was still a weekend the next day, which meant she could sleep as late as she could... But she really couldn't have anything come to her mind. She felt restless, bored, and bothered.

Maybe this time, it wasn't really about Ricky anymore, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly that bothered her.

She checked her phone. 12:34. She had been lying wide awake for two hours. And she still couldn't sleep.

Now at this rate, she could just go to the room next door to have a chat with her friend if he was still awake, but seeing how her father had restricted her...

Though it wouldn't really matter now, would it? After all, her father might just be sound asleep already around this time.

It didn't take long before Yeoreum flipped her blanket over and she got out of bed, sitting up abruptly before switching to a much slower, much more cautious tip-toe as she made her way out of her room and into the guest bedroom where Ricky was staying at.

"... Hey," she whispered. No response, but she kept going. "You still awake?"

Silence, and then a voice finally cut through the silence and the dark.

"... Yeah, I'm awake."

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