Ch. 7: Truth, or Whichever I Believe In

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"You know... I've been wondering, just why won't you talk much when you're with me? I mean, I doubt that you're fine with just not talking at all."

That time, the two teenagers had settled to hang out at the rooftop. It was closed off and no one was really allowed to be there. But certain evidenced, like scattered cigarette butts and a few hidden picnic blankets, proved that they wouldn't be the only ones breaking rules here.

They also somehow decided it wouldn't hurt to borrow one of those hidden picnic blankets.

"Hey," Yeoreum spoke again, trying to get Ricky's attention as she turned to him.

The boy was lying on the blanket, his arm over his eyes and shielding them from the glare of the sun. And with how quiet he is, Yeoreum wasn't quite sure if he had actually fallen asleep. She stared at him for a moment, observing his face, his lips which were slightly apart, his chest rising and falling as he breathed, and... a faint red mark on the left side of his face.

Yeoreum sighed as she looked at that red part of the boy's face, before she lifted her hand, and touched that area with the back of her hand. "Does it hurt?" she whispered, not expecting any kind of response.

"A little," Ricky responded all of a sudden, causing Yeoreum to widen her eyes and quickly pull her hand away. At the same time, the boy removed his arm from his eyes, just a little so he could look towards Yeoreum and, in turn, observe her face. "But I guess you touching it doesn't change how much it hurts."

"Oh..." That was all Yeoreum could say, before she finally broke their eye contact and instead, turned her gaze to the sky. "... That's a relief, I guess."

It was, in fact, much quieter in the rooftop. It was a miracle, somehow, that when the both of them made it there, there was no one else around. It was so much more peaceful, compared to the chaos of their classrooms and the rest of the world they hated so much. And the sun on their skin and the wind in their hair felt like a touch of freedom.

Maybe it didn't matter then that one of them was still covered in unhealed bruises, and the other was still wary and cautious. This was just a temporary haven, but maybe that could just be enough for now.

Ricky sat up at one point, and Yeoreum took that as a cue to turn back to him. Their eyes met, and for some reason, she held her hand out again, touching the mark on his cheek with the back of her hand. Ricky's eyes followed her hand, and he didn't say anything as she gently rubbed her hand against his face. But one more second later, he lifted his own hand, and he took her hand in his. Their eyes met again, but this time, Yeoreum smiled at him, ever so softly.

It was quiet. She didn't say a single word and neither did he, but somehow, in that moment, it was almost as if they completely understood each other.

It took a second more for Ricky to return that smile to her.

Now, at this point, it wouldn't be so much of a surprise that these two teens would be spending most of their free time with each other. If anyone ever knew one of them, it would almost be typically expected that they knew about the other.

That's how it was at school. But at each other's homes, it was a different story.

"How's school been these days for you, son?" The old man's powerful voice echoed throughout the almost empty dining hall.

At his side, Ricky sat, barely eating his food and just staring at it. Not that his father was eating either, anyway. Maybe it just ran in their family, not quite having an appetite.

"It's alright. I was praised by my science teacher for doing well in our weekly quiz today."

His father didn't give any response. Not even a single sign that he heard or was actually listening to anything his son had to say.

The sound of utensils clinking against ceramic plates replaced their voices in filling the silence. But to Ricky, it almost seemed as if those tiny noises and their echoes were getting louder and louder. He wanted to fold. He wanted to curl up and cover his ears with his hands.

But he couldn't.

Because if he did that, his father would notice, and he would be beaten up again for showing any form of weakness, even at home.

"... I don't think I feel like eating." It took a lot of courage for him to say that. There was the possibility that his father could take that as a sign of disrespect and him not wanting to dine with his own father.

The man looked up at him, and Ricky tensed up. But his father didn't say anything at all. He just nodded, and then turned to one of the maids nearby. "Send him to his room, and make sure he doesn't go out." And then he finally turned to the boy. "You better start studying harder. Aren't your examinations near already?"

Ricky nodded. It was around this time that his father would usually keep him in his room to make sure he focuses on studying and getting his grades to go higher. Even though they've always already been high enough. He must have just forgotten because of... everything.

"Yes, father." He uttered as he stood up, and he joined the assigned maid at her side before they both walked to his room.

Well, maybe it's a good thing he managed to avoid even being hurt by his father today.

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