Even though I was in full gear, Mcgonagall did say I wasn't allowed to play, but Adrian told me since I had to be on the bench anyways. I still had to the other practices to practice with the team and they actually had me in one play, but then immediately took me out when I was flying away from the snitch.

Luckily my mother had found out I was on the Slytherin team and was just so excited for me she sent me the newest Nibus and had it customized so my name was carved in it.

It was a sweet gesture but to me it's hilarious since she wasn't told that I was forced onto the team, I'm assuming she wasn't due to the extravagant gift and excited howler she had sent me this past morning. 

Grabbing my broom, giving my self one quick look in the mirror before I left.

Even though I was in a hideous uniform, I still had to look cute. I put my hair in a tight braid.
Keeping my head low to avoid eye contact with anyone who dared to talk to me in the common room, I made it out.

Going fourth towards the quidditch pitch, trailing behind a few students who were already heading to the game.

"Zabini! Zabini! Amalia!"

A voice calls out behind me.

No one ever called me by my last name so I originally thought Blaise wasn't too far behind me, that was until whoever it was said my name.

Turning around to face the Slytherin team waving me over to them, all the way at the top of the hill.
I mean I wasn't that far down the hill but still, so much walking.

They wave me over to join them, of course they wave their hands faster, ordering me to rush as if I was late for something.

"What? I was heading to the pitch?"

Confusion and annoyance mixed in my voice.

"Have you ever been to a quidditch game you twat?"

Adrian was clearly annoyed and pissed as if I should have known we shouldn't go to the field that we are going to play on.

"No I haven't, but if we play over there shouldn't we be there?"

Scoffing, crossing my arms across my chest.
Adrian's fist turn into a ball as he bites his lip, holding back what he so badly wants to say.

"We fly in from over here Malia."

Mattheo points a few yards away, his response to me seemed to calm Adrian down, as Adrian slowly exhales and leads the boys to the area.


Mattheo grabs my arm, forcing me to turn towards him. His face couldn't hide the fact at how utterly confused he was.

"Wait you've never been to a quidditch game?"

Nodding in response to Mattheo, not sure how to feel about this.

"Malia, hasn't Blaise been on the team since he was a first year?"

Mattheo's expression still as confused as it was before.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"So you mean to tell me, you never witnessed your brother play ever, not even when we went to the championships?"

Mattheo laughed at how ridiculous this situation was.

I did realize it was a pretty shitty thing to do but I didn't care, neither did Blaise.

"Oh whatever, I'm here now aren't I?"

We laugh, heading towards the team once more.
Almost instantly as Mattheo and I approached, everyone of them mounted their brooms, even Mattheo.

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