Back inside, Nurse Joy finishes treating Buizel. The Pokémon wakes up, physically okay but very depressed after losing for the first time, especially considering that when we first encountered him, Buizel was virtually unbeatable. Togetic tries to comfort Buizel but without success.

"How about we try to cheer him up?" I ask as Pikachu offers to have a swim with him, but he refuses.

"Hello again, I thought I found you all out here." Lucian says after finding us, and we decide to show him the Buizel. "Buizel hasn't been the same since that battle..."

"I guess that's time. A very important time, too. Buizel standing at a crossroads and he has to make a choice. A choice about what to do with defeat. Buizel can continue to battle like before, or not." Lucian says.

Suddenly, a steel cage envelops Buizel and takes him away as Team Rocket shows up in their balloon, reciting their motto.

"Those guys again?" I groan, Lucian asks, "So they were the famous Team Rocket that I heard about in Team Alpha?"

"Yeah." Lillie says. "And they have been persistent."

"Well, this situation might allow Buizel to redevelop his fighting spirit." Lucian says.

"I'm not sure what you mean..." Dawn mutters.

Buizel snaps out of his depression and proceeds to thrash inside the cage, his anger overriding the pain of loss. Buizel jumps up and proceeds to fire Sonic Boom at the cage. It appears to fail at first, but Buizel keeps firing.

Lillie yells, "Buizel! Don't give up! You've got to do it!"

With Lillie's encouragement, the attacks intensify until the cage shatters. Buizel jumps down as Team Rocket touches down, preparing to battle with Dustox and Carnivine.

"Great, Buizel! Let's go!" I say.

"Hold on, guys. Not so fast. I want to have the honor." Lucian says as he wants to command Buizel this time.

Dustox launches into a Tackle while Carnivine rushes to Bite. I would have Buizel dodge, but Lucian instead has Buizel knock both Pokémon back with Water Gun.

"Buizel did just what Lucian said!" Gladion says.

Dustox's Psybeam and Carnivine's Bullet Seed move in, but Buizel dodges and launches SonicBoom, knocking out Carnivine. Buizel then uses Aqua Jet to knock out Dustox.

"Ash, Lillie. See how this works? Buizel has its own unique battle style, and you must find that unique style and battle if you want to have control of this Pokemon." Lucian says as Buizel fires Water Gun at Team Rocket to send them blasting off.

I compliment Buizel as he marches up to Lucian, wanting to battle again. With our consent, Buizel once again duels against Bronzong. Bronzong launches Gyro Ball, but Buizel obeys Ash's request to dodge before going into Aqua Jet. Iron Defense stops it, but the attack causes Bronzong to spin. Buizel fires Water Gun, but another Iron Defense stops it. Lucian then recalls Bronzong, ending the duel.

"I think that's just enough. Although I can't say you're perfect, but you worked with Buizel much better than you had before. I know you're going to be much stronger in the future. I look forward to seeing how you do."

"Thanks, Lucian." I say as we look forward to battling him again. And while we're training, our Starly also evolves into Staravia after another Team Rocket's failed attempt of stealing our Pokemon.

Staravia: The Starling Pokemon: Normal and Flying Type. Evolved from Starly at LV:14. It flies around forests and fields in search of bug Pokémon. It stays within a huge flock.

Ash's Story (Part 5: Modern Sinnoh)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin