Nodding alone, Nezu smiled as he dialed a number. "How would you like to raid that place? We don't need much for warrants to raid abandoned areas. I'll call someone I know."

Smiling sadistically, both laughed in Nezu's office, danger signals reaching nearly everyone in UA, and beyond.

Sitting in an office, a figure picked up the phone. "Hello?" Twirling the line in their hand for a few seconds, a smile spread across their lips, a shining set of pure white teeth revealing itself. "Of course. Am I still going to be employed next year?" Hearing a confirmation, his smile widened. "I'll be there soon." Getting up, his form expanded as the hero-grade clothes around his figure tightened with the muscles underneath.

"I will take down every villain, every threat to Nezu's way of life. After all, I'm a hero now." His mechanical implant, having been given to him by UA, whirred to life. He left to exit the room, leaving his home, heading over to UA. "This will be fun."

Sitting at home, Katsuki sighed as he placed dumbbells down. His memory still rang of the incident, and the years after. The people who ignored him, and only called him a villain. He was on par with one for his actions, but this is his chance to do better. "I'm going to get into UA, and prove those extra's wrong!"

"Shut up brat!" screaming from the kitchen, Mitsuki sighed as she cooked spicy curry for dinner. Katsuki had gotten a little softer around the edges, but his yelling certainly hadn't decreased in volume.

Sitting at home, Inko sighed. She had been recovering from Toga's attack, but her mind wandered to Toga and her heart broken expression. Clearly something was wrong, and she didn't want to hurt anyone. "Maybe she had quirk craze?" Mumbling that to herself, she turned over in her bed and started researching herself.

Her eyes slowly widened at the research, people's treatment within Tartarus, and every bit of information she could find. She could gather that her attacker had to use her blood, and what she read now turned the situation on its head. "I have to tell them about this."

Sitting with Nezu, Izuku smiled as he showed the location, and outer shell of the abandoned warehouse. It looked scrapped together, with sheet metal stuck haphazardly to cover up the holes, but what caught their attention was how no matter the angle, they couldn't see inside. The outer walls were also rusty and dented, but the strapped on parts were anything but.

Despite the holes in the upper floors and roof, the rain was always deposited out the sides, and never leaked down. The most important part though, was what Nezu found after analyzing the blueprints from compiling together camera footage before and after the renovation, and Izuku testing a big, the first floor had transformed into a large faraday cage. 

Soon enough, the person Nezu had called had come. 

Seeing the smiling man, Izuku and Nezu both smiled and laughed together. "Those idiots won't know what hit them." Cackling with them, the man smiled brilliantly, showing off his teeth. "If they planned for me, they better bring an army."

"Sir! They have found out our current area!"

Looking at his superior, a lone man stood at the helm of a control center. 

"How can you be sure?"

Looking down, the superior simply gazed lazily at the control center manager. he had been here for a while, but they wanted to rid the workplace of other humans as fast as possible. 

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