"Not only him, but all of those guys, they're so weird, besides Draco, he's always been the same with me."

Pansy and I mutually nod to each other, smiling with the biggest grins on our faces, yes, we began to laugh once more.

"Should we go back? I'm so thirsty."

Pansy pleads.

"I'm not holding you hostage, yes we can go."

We laugh again at my response and make our way back to the common room.

Neither of us realized how high we were, that was until I was walking past everyone, their eyes all focused on me. I couldn't stand it anymore and put my head down, walking behind Pansy. I feel so much safer, but of course, it doesn't work for long as I thought.

"Oh, dear, Miss Zabini, please watch where you are walking."

Oh shit.

"I'm so sorry professor Mcgonagall, I'm just tired from quidditch."

Tired from quidditch?

Mcgonagall gives me a questionable look and quickly eyes Pansy.

"Well I'm glad that you are actually trying in your punishment, I'm excited to see your debut this week."

Mcgonagall had the same condescending tonality in her voice as she had when I ran into her.

"I'm so excited I cannot wait, I hope I can start!"

Oh my god.

"Malia, what the fuck are you doing?"

Pansy whispers in my ear.

"Oh well that's great, I'll talk to professor Snape for you! Good day girls."

Mcgonagall had a sudden pep in her step as I wished to start the game.

I turn to Pansy, my jaw on the floor, I could not believe what I had just said.


Of course I startle her once more, yet instead of bumping into her, I had suddenly landed atop of the Gryffindor's head of house.

Students from all around us gasp at the sight. Frozen, Mcgonagall and I stare at one another, trying to process the fact I tackled a teacher.

Pansy runs to my aid as a few Gryffindors run to Mcgonagall's, sending death stares towards me. If my anxiety wasn't already high, it's even worse now.

"Well miss Zabini, I knew you were excited but that is just unacceptable, I will make sure that you will not play in this weeks game, minus ten points Slytherin."

Mcgonagall straightened out her robe, turning back into the direction she originally was walking.
Although I had just assaulted a teacher, I was so glad at the sudden turn of events.

"Ouch, what the hell Pansy?"

I wince as I feel the heavy handed punch laid on my arm.

"You are so stupid, you could've almost got us caught for being high, and worse, you could've actually played."

"What even made you decide that you wanted to talk to Mcgonagall out of all people."

"I bumped into her, it's not my fault everyone was staring at me."

Pansy gives me a look of confusion, rapidly turning into a smile. She shakes her head, putting her arm on my shoulder.

"Oh Malia, that's just a high thing, you're just paranoid, it happens to a lot of people when they're baby smokers."

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