Swindle: Well, maybe we could go into the black market and make a profit or two.

Everyone looks at him with an expression that read, seriously!?

Swindle: what? in case you guys haven't realized, all we have are our weapons from our days fighting the war. The duffel bags that Oum gave us along with a few essentials, but we almost have no money whatsoever. Heck, I doubt we even have enough to pay rent for a week.

Megatron: For goodness sake Swindle, can't you think of anything except your greed? We can just merely go into robot mode and go into stasis. That way we conserve energy.

Onslaught: Lord Megatron, were you told to find this Osma guy to?

Blast-Off: yes, it seems when he gave us our ability to become humans as well as our old, transformer forms, he told us that we had to find him and help him end the threat of Salem and restore, hope to humanity.

Megatron: Hm, it appears we all have the same mission. But the question remains, where are we going to get answers to find him?

What none of them realized, was that not too far from where they were all standing. Ruby, Penny, and Weiss were all having a conversation. In regards to what happened a couple of weeks ago at the docks.

While the three teenagers were having their conversation, Weiss caught a brief glimpse of the now human Decepticons. And found them suspicious.

Penny: Really friends I wish I could help you, but I have no idea who those people were.

Ruby: Penny is everything all right? We haven't seen you since and we were worried you were kidnapped.

Penny: No worries Ruby. Everything was all right. (hiccup).

After finishing that, she immediately ran off.

Ruby: Penny wait! Ugh! Weiss, get the files we need from the CCT. I'm going after Penny!

She exclaimed as she ran off after Penny.

Weiss: Ruby, we're suppose to stay together! Ugh!

? : Let me guess, Having partner issues?

Weiss was immediately caught by surprise and turned around to find Megatron and the Combaticons all standing behind her.(In their human appearance.)

Weiss: Woah! How did you get from there to here so quick?

Megatron: Nver mind that for now Ms. Schnee. What you should ask is, do you want our support?

Weiss: Huh? You're asking me if I want your help?

Brawl: Weren't you listening the first time?!

Blastoff: Please Brawl, restrain your primitive impulses. We came to offer assistance in her situation, not escalate things even more than they already are.

Brawl just crossed his arms and looked to his left with an expression that read, "Whatever."

Weiss: Are you all huntmen? You look buff and carry weapons?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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