Chapter 30

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Location: Site-[REDACTED]

Subject: SCP-239 (Lily)

Aysha enters a sterile, well-lit interview room, her lab coat crisp and her expression neutral. Seated across from her is a young girl with raven-black hair and piercing green eyes, dressed in a standard-issue Foundation jumpsuit. The girl, SCP-239, appears to be around 10 years old, but the weight of her abilities makes her seem much older.

Aysha: Good afternoon, Lily. My name is Dr. Aysha Mirza. We're here to converse, and this is just a friendly chat. How are you feeling today?

SCP-239: (softly) Okay.

Aysha pulls out a notebook and a pen, jotting down notes as she speaks.

Aysha: Perfect. So, Lily, I want to talk about your abilities. Can you tell me how you discovered you had... unique talents?

SCP-239: I've always been able to do things. It's like when I feel strong, things change around me. But I don't mean to do it. It just happens.

Aysha: I see. Can you give me an example? Something you remember happening?

SCP-239: Once, when I was terrified because of a storm, the lights in my room flickered, and the thunder got quieter. And the storm went away.

Aysha makes a note, her expression remaining calm and attentive.

Aysha: So, your emotions seem to trigger these events. Can you control them?

SCP-239: No, not really. When I get really mad or sad, things can break or change. I don't want to hurt anyone.

Aysha: We understand, Lily. That's why we're here, to learn about your abilities and ensure everyone stays safe. Have you tried to... suppress your emotions to prevent these changes?

SCP-239: They tried to teach me, but sometimes I can't help it. I don't want to be locked up forever.

Aysha: We don't want that either, Lily. We're here to help you learn and understand your abilities better. The Foundation is where people like you can be understood and protected.

Aysha's tone is gentle and empathetic. She closes her notebook and puts down the pen.

Aysha: Lily, thank you for talking with me today. You're not alone in this, and we're working to find a way to help you control your abilities. Remember, we're on your side.

SCP-239: (hesitates, then smiles) Okay, Dr. Aysha. Thank you.

As the interview ends, Aysha nods reassuringly and exits the room.

Aysha glanced over at the recorder once she exited the containment room and turned to look at SCP-239 playing with her toys, sighing softly. "Despite her origins and power, she doesn't seem dangerous. Unlike her brothers, except for maybe SCP-999." She stated, crossing her arms as the long blonde-haired male looked up at her with sapphire blue eyes. "Yeah, but she is still dangerous. What's your view on that then?" Aysha shrugged. "Weird prophecies that they don't want to obey is what that feels like. It might just be her age as well. That's why we must treat her well and ensure she doesn't feel like a prisoner. Don't need her turning evil."

Aysha stretched softly as she followed Noel looking around and clutching onto her new messenger bag. "I don't know if I like having my notes in this bag. Feels like it's going to be taken from me at any time." She admitted to Noel as they walked, "You gotta relax with these things. Stop taking everything so seriously, tiny human." He chuckled back at her before sniffing the air, frowning, and changing their directions. Aysha blinked, looking at him confused but didn't say anything and just kept walking.

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