Chapter 18

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"How's it going, sis?"

Aysha sighed softly while setting up her tent before answering her brother, "Going alright. I haven't found any signs of the werewolf group yet." She moved back to her bag, sitting on the floor, and began setting up a fire. "Do you think they moved on? That charm could've been as old as the skeleton." "That's what I'm starting to think, honestly. Disappointing because it was my only lead, but with how much time has passed, I might have to try and find another lead. Have you seen anything on the drones yet?" "Unfortunately not, but I'll keep you in touch if I do. I think I've finally started figuring out how to work this stuff. Kinda fun, honestly."

Aysha's smile played at the corners of her lips, a flicker of warmth in her eyes as her brother's chuckle resonated through the phone line. The sense of familiarity in his laughter was comforting, a small connection to the world beyond her current predicament. But that comfort was short-lived as her acute senses caught the faint echo of footsteps approaching. Her body tensed, and she lowered her phone discreetly, hiding it from prying eyes. "Shh," she breathed softly, her voice a mere whisper in the stillness of her hiding place. "I hear footsteps."

With caution etched into her features, she retrieved an energy bar from her pack, her fingers moving deftly but quietly as she unwrapped it. Her gaze remained fixed on the entrance, alert for any signs of danger. A figure materialized in her line of sight, settling onto the ground nearby. She observed the newcomer with practiced subtlety, taking in the details that defined their appearance. The droopy skin, crisscrossed with thin scars reminiscent of seams on well-worn clothes. Eyes, once vibrant, now bloodshot and yellowed, holding stories untold. Their mouth, wider than convention dictated, bore the burden of thin lines that tugged at their corners, a silent testimony to the weight of their experiences. Their ears were enormous, a feature that stood out in stark contrast to their overall demeanor. And their nails blackened as if marked by some past ordeal.

Recognition struck Aysha, confirming her suspicions. The figure's identity was unmistakable, a presence she'd encountered before. Yet, despite the undeniable truth of the situation, she maintained her composure, her outward facade betraying none of the thoughts that raced through her mind. Her lips moistened with a subtle flick of her tongue, a gesture that betrayed a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

Summoning her courage, she addressed the figure with a hushed tone, her words laced with empathy. "Are you okay, sir?" Her voice was gentle, a soothing balm amid uncertainty. "Are you hungry?" Her gaze held steady, meeting their downturned eyes with a mix of understanding and kindness. As their gaze met hers, she studied the depth of their expression, the nuances that revealed a story untold. Despite the oddity of the situation, her heart swelled with a genuine desire to offer solace, to extend a hand of compassion to a fellow traveler in the vast expanse of the unknown. "أنت تعرف بالضبط ما أنا عليه ، ومع ذلك تريد تبادل المجاملات بدلاً من الهروب؟"

Aysha blinked, surprised at the language, clearing her throat a bit trying to remember. "لغتي العربية صدئة بعض الشيء ، لذلك أعتذر ؛ لا أريد إلحاق الأذى بشعبك ، لذا أتمنى أن تشاركك نفس الفكرة. إلى جانب ذلك ، يحتاج المستذئبون إلى الكثير من السعرات الحرارية ، ومع الحالة التي يبدو أنك فيها ، سأكون جائعًا."

Before handing him her MRI, and began making her own. The man nodded before taking it and started eating hungrily, chuckling calmly.

"I do speak English. Merely curious if you were the one stirring the pot around here." Aysha was confused, frowning softly at his words as she mixed her food around in its bag, waiting for it to finish cooking. "Stirring the pot? What do you mean by that? I don't think I've done anything to describe that." She stated calmly as she ate with the man "Fair point, I guess. But he doesn't exactly like people sniffing around his woods. Especially with your history." "I'm no longer associated with them." She answered in a clipped tone before clearing her throat, "My apologies. But after what they did, I departed from them." The man raised an eyebrow before finishing his food, chuckling calmly. "Fair, but you still follow their ways in one or another. One would always be cautious about that. I suggest you do not stir the pot any further. To go home before you get hurt worse." "I simply want to observe. Would that be acceptable?" She asked, watching him get up, and he licked his lips with an unusually long tongue. "You just need to prove that to him. I merely am a friend of him, is all." The male's response was immediate before he stood up, stretching out as his body gradually transformed. It was as if his very bones were engaged in a disconcerting dance beneath his shifting flesh. Each passing second brought a new layer to his metamorphosis, reshaping him in ways that defied the norm.

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