"Manipulates." Hogan says.

"He's self centered." Adds Volstagg

"He's a monster." Says Sif.

Rhi stands up and slams her hands on the table, her magic flaring in her hands and eyes. "Take. It. Back."

Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogan are taken aback by her outburst. However, Sif doesn't hesitate and stands up. "Or what?" Sif challenges.

Rhi conjures her knives. "Why don't you come over here and find out." Sif draws her sword and starts walking towards her.

"Enough!" Thor quickly gets up to stand between them. "Watch how you speak of Loki. After all, he's still my brother, and your prince."

Sif puts away her sword and the warriors all look down at the floor and continue with their meal. Thor gestures Rhi to her chair to continue the meal.

"No thank you, I've lost my appetite. Excuse me."
She nods at Thor and then heads out of the dining hall and decides to go and see Loki again. So she places an illusion over herself and teleports back to the dungeons where she finds him laying on a cot facing away from her.

"What are you doing here?" Loki says still facing away from her.

"I wanted...needed to see you."

"Did you now?" Loki says coldly.

Rhi sighs as she knew he was only acting this way to try and push her away."Yes. I missed you and thought you could use some company. I know I do."

Loki now sits up on the cot and faces her. "I thought Thor and his friends were keeping you plenty company."

"Yes. But, I prefer yours, especially over Sifs." Rhi says as she notices a small smile appear on Loki's face. "You guys were a thing at some point, weren't you?"


"She really doesn't like you." Rhi eyes him suspiciously as she notices him shift nervously on the cot. "What did you do?"

Loki clears his throat. "I, uh, cut half her hair off after she feel asleep."

Rhi chuckles. "No wonder she hates you. Anyone else I need to know about?"

"Fandral." Loki says hesitantly

"Really?" Loki nods. "You know now that you mention it, I can totally see it."

"It doesn't bother you?"

"You sleeping with a man?" Loki nods. "Of course not. Loki, I already know you've been with other people before me and I don't care what gender they were. I'll admit I'm a little jealous knowing you've slept with others, sure. But, I know you love me and that's all that matters." Rhi smiles. "Does Thor know?"

"I'm sure he has his suspicions, but no. Fandral swore me to secrecy and Sif threatened to kill me if I were to ever mention it to anyone." They both laugh.

"How are you holding up? And don't lie, you know I can tell when you do."

Loki shrugs. "About as well as you would expect for someone who's going to be executed."

"You don't know that for sure."

"You and I both know, this trial is only for show. Odin has already made up his mind about me." He then walks up to the glass and places his hand on the wall, Rhi does the same. "What I wouldn't give, to just hold your hand once more. If only for a moment."

Rhi thinks to herself for a moment. "Maybe you can."

"You can't teleport in here, these cells are enchanted with a very powerful magic."

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora