Trick or treating with wally

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Matching costumes 😇😈 your a angel and he's a devil.

me and Wally walked through the neighborhood talking his little devil horns bouncing with each step and my white fake angle wings blew in the cool air the old leaves crunching under our feet.
    "Y/n! We should go to that house.." he said in his soft tone and smiled at me I nodded and spoke up "okay I'm sure they have some good stuff." I smiled we walked over to the house. We walked over and talked as we knocked on the door.
  A woman opened the door and looked at Wally then me. "Hello there." The lady smiled and gave Wally a handful of candy.

"There you go." She smiled, I quickly held my bucket out and spoke up "trick or treat!" I smiled widely my angle wings bouncing as I held my bucket out the lady's expression became sour and she spoke up.
  "Sorry..I'm out of candy."  She said looking me up and down I looked at her then the full candy bowl in her arms "but you have a full-" I got cut off as the door shut.


Me and Wally stood there silent for a moment processing what had happened. "Wow.. I'm sorry y/n" Wally frowned and set his bucket down and put some candy inside mine. My expression softened and a warm smile formed on my lips. " don't have to." I said softly "this is the only house giving out candy on this won't get anymore." I said frowning Wally smiled "it's okay y/n!" He said "just go down the sidewalk I'll be right over." He smiled I nodded and made my way down.

As I reached the sidewalk and heard the doorbell to the house ringing and turned around. Wally was ringing her doorbell quickly before the door opened. The woman's angry snarl changed to a warm one at the right of Wally, before she opened her mouth to speak Wally snatched the bowl out her arms and began to run. "Wally!" I exclaimed he ran past me and grabbed my wrist as we ran down the sidewalk the faint sound the cool October air and the ladies angry screaming the leaves kicking up behind us as we ran.

Eventually me and Wally arrived home and we sat down and poured our candy onto the the carpet and I smiled "woah!" I exclaimed "I can't believe you did that.! You should've seen her face!" I laughed. Wally smiled and laughed "Ha. Ha. Ha.. yeah she was so mad." He smiled and pulled his devil hood down revealing a few leaves in his hair from running making me snort and giggle "looks like your becoming a tree." I giggled as I leaned over and I pulled leaves out his hair before he leaned forward and kissed my cheek making my face turn pink. "You should have seen *your* face." He smiled

Happy fall 🍁 :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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