👁️wally x male reader👁️

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Since y'all love yandere Wally 😭

Wally has been acting weird lately and honestly maybe I'm paying the price for ignoring the red flags of him. I always thought the things he did were cute like being clingy and protective but it's been going to far I mean it's like he needs to come with me everywhere like I a kid.!? I'm not twelve anymore I shook my head and scoffed crossing my legs.

Wally was across the store browsing I sighed but then I saw Julie and sally and I felt myself move over to talk to them immediately. I walked up waving and they happily waved back

"Hello! Y/n!" Julie smiled hugging me I smiled hugging back sally grinned "so what are you doing here?" She asked I smiled "oh you know stocking up" I replied "why are you here?" I asked they smiled "we are having a sleepover!" They grinned i laughed "that's nice!" I smiled "Actually it's a good thing because we were planning to invite you!" Sally said "mhm!" Julie hummed looking at Candy. I gasped "how could I say no to you two!?" I smiled we all let out high pitched squeals "okay! See you guys!" I smiled "see ya!" They both smiled rubbing off.

I turned to see Wally standing at a distance I walked over "so what did they need" He asked I looked at him "I'm having a sleepover with them!" I smiled his expression changed to a confused and worried one.
"That's not very appropriate" I raised an eyebrow "wally If I'm dating you and I'm a guy then I clearly don't like girls." I rolled my eyes (sorry if you bisexual 😭) his expression softened "I know but do you have to leave." He asked I nodded "why don't you go with barnaby?" I said he slowly nodded "I guess that wouldn't hurt." He said slowly his voice cold.

We continued our shopping "Wally do we need to have this many apples?" I laughed turning to him he nodded "yes! Y/n" he exclaimed I laughed again "okay sorry mister!" I said patting his head looking down at him he frowned. "Don't let your tall privilege get to you mister!" He pointed making me chuckle we continued shopping and wally was practically attached to my hip always holding on to me.

Eventually it got later. I packed my back and got ready to leave for our sleep over wally left to go buy more hairspray since he uses two whole cans a day. Personally I prefer his hair not styled. I went to our bedroom and grabbed pajamas "oh I need my face masks!" I said to myself I looked under the sink to find lots of full cans of hairspray making me confused. Why did he leave the house then. I shook my head and took my bike and left to Sally's house and I quickly got there I heard a loud crash and yelling. I quickly jumped off my bike and ran in.

Julie stood holding a side of her face as blood dripped down her face and sally was cornered by a figure she was crying hard I felt myself boiling with anger "Y/N no!" Julie said as a ran to the figure I quickly jumped on to whoever it was grabbing the broken bottle out of their hand and pointing it at their neck. As we fell, we fell on the ground where the bright moon light lit up the space revealing the intruder. My eyes widened at the sight in confusion.

It was Eddie "listen y/n! It's not me!" He explained nervously "what. Happened!?" I asked "he's still here.." he said I raised an eyebrow "why are you in Sally's house." I said pushing the bottle into his neck he winced "I heard glass breaking and he smashed a bottle on Julie's head and I took the bottle from him that's when you came and he ran into another room." He breathed I got off him and set the glass down.

I rushed over to Julie and observed her gash but then she let out a scream same with sally i quickly turned around to see Eddie's lifeless body on the ground "No!" I screamed I looked to see a figure standing above him.

That hair..

The eyes..

The mouth

It was Wally

"What did you do!?" I screamed my eyes watering he stared "you just couldn't do what I said." He spoke I stared "what!?" I asked "the blood on my hands is your fault.. Eddie's death is your fault." He replied my jaw hung open I was speechless Eddie's lifeless face pointed at me and I looked back up Wally eyes pasted on to something else.. it was sally he slowly stepped towards her and jumped up lunging at him.

We rolled down and I sat on top of him prying the knife out of his bloody hands I turned "RUN!" I yelled both of them ran and Wally yelled "NO!" He barked he looked over and glared at me "I don't wanna do this but I have no choice." He said he quickly slashed my face making fall back from the sharp pain. Wally stood up "see you later tonight baby." He smiled coldly chasing after Julie and sally.
I had to stop him he's gonna kill the I snapped myself out of it and stopped focusing on the pain and ran out the house. I stared at the blood trails left from Julie and her gash and followed running as fast as I could.

There stood Wally over sally she still was alive but barely he towered over the girls and I snuck over grabbing him by his hair making him fall back "Y/n be careful!" Julie stammered I grabbed the blade from his hand and pointed it at his neck. He scoffed "I didn't want to do this!" He said I stared at him "no you did you're just delusional!" I yelled "you are.!" He glanced back he grabbed my throat and we rolled around fighting over the knife. Wally sat on top of me holding the blade above him I stared at him but noticed Julie sneaking up behind him. "I'm doing this because I love you.. I'll see you in heaven y/n." He said I shook my head "you'll be in hell." Julie pulled him back and snatched the blade even though I cut my finger

He wiggled around in her grasp I slowly approached him "You deserve this." I said looking at him he stared at me and smiled at me his expression cold "have fun rotting in hell." I said pushing the blade into his throat. Blood dripped everywhere I stared at the sight.. Julie let go of him and we stood there.

So much for a sleep over "we both definitely lost our vision in one eye." She said turning to me "oh yea for sure." I chuckled weakly sally let out a groan of pain and we rushed over "let's go get help now!" I yelled.

Sorry if it seems rushed because it is 😭 I'll be posting some fluff after this BTW updates may become slower lolll

Wally darling (one shots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant