Wally x shy reader🎨

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Here you go >:)  

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Here you go >:)  

(Note reader is nonbinary)

I just moved to this neighborhood and I haven't really bothered to talk or interact much with them. As kind as they seem I'm no scared to even breath near them, I see all of them playing and having fun and I do wanna join but I can't bring myself too.

Today i decided to actually leave the house for once and pick some flowers in the field near my house. I do love flowers a lot and I can't ever go a week without them! I gently moved through the grass and pick and plucked flowers from the ground and put them in the basket I had. I heard movement behind me and snapped around there stood a man he was on the shorter side but had blue hair and half lidded eyes. "Hello there..you're new right?" He asked tilting his head

I swallowed and looked around "yes I.. am." I said barely able to breathe. "I haven't seen you out much why is that." He asked I stood there fiddling with my shirt "I don't know.. I guess I'm to scared to." I said before quickly laughing "I can't believe I told you that!" I said "I'm sorry." I added I stared at the ground and honestly didn't want to look back up my emotions were probably confusing him and he probably was judging me as we spoke. "It's okay I understand your problem" he said looking at me gently.

"I don't have any probl-" he cut me off "it's okay to have problems dont worry they don't bother me." He said gently I shook my head I couldn't believe what was happening in the moment "why are you here?" I asked trying not to seem rude or vulgar.
"Well I've been wanting to get to know you." He said looking over at me "but I never got to." He smiled "until now" I stared at him almost in a daze "why would you want to get to know me..?" I said looking at my feet "I'm just some person with bad social skills." I joked he laughed gently and sat in the grass looking up at me clearly saying to sit down.

So I did. I sat across from him "Your more then just someone with bad social skills.." he spoke grabbing my hand making me more nervous when he looked at me "I..know..b...but" his touch left me and he leaned back using both his hands to hold him up. "Its just something you have to work on right?" He said looking at me i nodded "so let's practice!" He smiled his smile was contagious and I couldn't help but smile "yea let's do that." I said smiling at him

Me and Wally talked till it got dark and we couldn't keep our eyes open "thank you Wally for listening." I smiled i he looked at me "it's no problem really!" He smiled sweetly "well I should head home before I pass out!" I joked he laughed at the comment "you should and thank you for talking to me" he said "no problem!" I quickly leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek and waved bye and ran into my house all Wally did was stand there with his hand on his cheek blushing.

I guess this isn't shy reader but like social anxiety reader but WHATEVERRRR

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