👁️Wally x nb reader 👁️

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It's time for all you gremlins to eat.. enjoy 👩‍🍳

Warning : gaslighting 😭

Wally's always been a odd puppet. I grew up with him so I'd know. I lightly sighed and turned and looked out my window to see Wally's house in the distance. Ever since his house gained eyes he's been distant I'm starting to think that staying in there was getting to his head. I should maybe get him some fresh air and help him I smiled I walked out the door and as I left I didn't notice Wally staring at me through his window.

I walked to his house, I knocked on his door and it slowly opened I felt a breeze of cool air hit me.. I shook my head and looked over to him he stood there his eyes wide not in a scared way but in a way I've never seen before I was unable to read him.

"Hello Wally nice weather isn't?" I asked gently starting small talk "it's rather nice from what I've seen." He replied his voice was deeper and raspy sounding like he just woke up. "Say, would you like to go with me to Howdy's shop?" I asked smiling he thought for a moment and a smile crept on to his face "I'd be delighted." He said softly.

We walked down to the store. I was glad I was escaping that house something about seems odd. I mean it has eyes for fuck sakes, Wally treats home as if it's his own blood or kid. We approached the store and sat down at the bar. Howdy wasn't only a store but also a pub. "I'll have a cocktail" I said howdy nodded "so how have you two been?" He asked

"We've been good!" I smiled watching him mix my drink "Wally I haven't seen you around whys that?" He asked his gaze Turning to him Wally looked to him "I've been..busy." He hummed howdy nodded and handed me my drink "thanks put it on my tab-" I almost finished before I got cut off my howdy
"On the house sugar!" He smiled i laughed at Howdy's big goofy grin I turned to Wally who's expression was bitter but lightened up as I turned to him.

He tapped his long fingers along the dark wood "are you gonna get anything?" I asked leaning to him he smiled "hey howdy could you get me a apple!" He smiled. He nodded leaving to grab one "an apple that's odd!" I laughed Wally pouted "hey there fun to hold..!" He huffed I smiled "I'm sorry!" I chuckled rubbing his back.

We had a few drinks and I was very tipsy I noticed Wally talking to howdy. His expression was probably the darkest I've seen it his eyes showed no emotion or color just a dark void. Wally approached me and put his jacket on me, he Leaned down and whispered into my ear "I'll be right back dear." He swiftly turned around and went to the employee's only room. Oddly enough he was the only one to leave the room..

Wally helped me up as I wobbled around he walked me home. I couldn't unlock my door so he unlocked it for me. He laid me in my bed and took off my shoes and covered me up with a blanket. I dozed off and went to bed only to wake up with a migraine.

I slowly sat up and rubbed my head my hair messy. I heard a smack at my door and opened it. It the the mail I picked it up and went inside and drank water and medicine to help my head. But something caught my attention a familiar face was on the paper.

                               It was Howdy

I read it carefully and it turned out the man died last night due to blunt force trauma!? My eyes widened and I felt myself shake.. it's crazy to I was there last night.. with Wally.. who went in there with him.. only for him to never come out. I covered my mouth but the paper gave no other details I had to go to Eddie! I quickly got dressed and stuffed the paper in my bag.

I walked out and went to lock my door only to not have them..? Weird.. I shook my head and shrugged and went off to find Eddie I walked to the post office across town. I went to grab the handle only to pull it open to see Wally standing there he turned around his gaze locking with mine his smirk growing bigger.

My heart skipped a beat as I stood there. I forced my legs to move me forwards and i walked over to Eddie who was talking to Wally. "Eddie do you have any more details on Howdy's death?" I asked I stared at me and shook his head sadly "all I know is he died in the employees only room" he said looking away sadly. I felt a pair of cold eyes on me I slowly looked over to see Wally staring at me like he was gonna do something highly illegal. I swallowed my fear and spoke up

"I should be going now I have to feed my pet.!" I said walking out Eddie raised an eyebrow "you don't have a pe-" I cut him off  "I do it's a rock his name is sparky..!!" I stammered slamming the door behind me. I practically ran home and when I reached my house I locked the door and slid down into my couch and rubbed my face.

"It can't be him.." I said to myself "can't be who?" I quickly shot up and looked to see Wally standing in front of me "Wally how'd you get here!?" I yelled he held him finger to my mouth and held up a pair of keys and shook them "you left these with me.." he smiled I went to snatch them but he pulled away.

"Bad y/n" he smiled I stared at him glaring he grabbed my wrist pulling me up making me gasp. Our faces inches away from each others "guess what." He asked his pupils dilating I didn't respond but his grip grew tighter "w..what." I said he smiled his dark eyes still locked with mine he leaned in and whispered closely in my ear.

"Howdy's not the only one now.." he pulled away smirking "Eddie..?" I said under my breath he smiled nodding slowly I pulled away stumbling back
"Your crazy!" I exclaimed shaking my head he slowly approached me cocking his head at the statement.
"I'm not crazy you are." He said I raised an eyebrow
"How!?" I screamed

"You talked to other men." He said slowly cornering me I shrunk "I'm allowed to talk to other guys!" I said "it's sad you think that." At this point he had me against the wall. His hand gently caressed my cheek my eyes wide "you drove me to kill y/n.." he whispered he expression getting weaker..

"I need you...I want you.." he whimpered I stared "your a lunatic!" I said in shock "everyone is a little crazy y/n.. be happy I went this far for you.." he whispered in my ear his breath hitting my neck making me shiver. "And I swear to god.. If i see you talking to any other man I slit their throat.." he said his grip tightened on my waist. I was shaking "so please don't drive me to that point sweetie!" He smiled he kissed me on the cheek "I'll see you tomorrow lover.." he cooed leaving me flabbergasted

Hey guys I just wanted to set a boundary because I've noticed it's been getting out of control please stop or don't comment really sexual stuff on my page or this book I get comments like "he's so fine" or "He's baby girl" but the comment in the picture I don't want to see  thank you

Hey guys I just wanted to set a boundary because I've noticed it's been getting out of control please stop or don't comment really sexual stuff on my page or this book I get comments like "he's so fine" or "He's baby girl" but the comment in the p...

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
Wally darling (one shots)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum