Ms. Figure Skater

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There's only 2 months left before the final big game

There was a game in IHGC where other ice sports where competiting with each other

such as hockey, ice curles, figure skaters and more ice sports


your boyfriend's team won the hockey game and you run to him to congratulate him and his team mates but when you arrived his team were blocking him because they were jumping and celebrating with joy

The hockey game was up next

Ryan and his team were playing against another hockey team

You were sitting by the bench with other ice sports team

You cheered for Ryan but unfortunately someone was also cheering for Ryan

"Wohh Go Ryan" you shouted

"Go Ryan" a voice of a girl shouted

you looked at the direction the girl who cheered for him

Which was the person beside you

you both looked eyes

"Excuse me?" she said

"Excuse me??" you said

"Why the hell did you just cheer for my guy?" you said

"Uh I'm sorry...your guy?" she laughed

"yea" you said

"That's my guy" she said

"Andrea Cortez you're up next after the hockey team" an organizer said to the girl

"'re Andrea Cortze" you said

"yea and what about it?" Andrea said

"so you're my boyfriend's ex" you said

"ohhh your boyfriend?" she said

"Ryan is your boyfriend?" she said laughing

"yea I'm Ryan's girfriend" you said

"I'm sorry" she laughed

"You're porbably confused Ryan doesn't do girlfriends" she said

"and why would you say that" you asked

"all Ryan does is hook up/make out with girls he never dates them" she said

"well here's news for you, he's dating me" you said

"Ryan has stopped being a player since I dated him" you said

"So the gossip was true, he really is dating someone" she said

she looked at you up and down and makes a face

"I just don't know how Ryan can go THAT...low" she said

"He was gonna get back with me you know" she said

"I'm so much better than you" she said

"what did he see in you" she said

"I'm a famous and a figure skater and're just an ice crew" she said

"Probably cause I didn't cheat on him with his enemy" you said

"what did you say?" she said pissed

"Didn't you cheat on him with his hockey enemy and then he dumped you?" you said

"N-No..." She said

"I dumped him cause he wasn't good enough for me" She said

"I needed someone who was way better" she said

"Oh come on Andrea, don't act dumb" you said

"We all know you just lied about you dumping Ryan cause he humiliated in front of your friends" you said

She looked at you pissed

"It makes complete sense why he's still with you" she laughed

"you haven't given yourself to him...have you?" she asked

"No..Why?" you asked

"No wonder why he hasnt left you yet" she said

"what do you mean?" you asked

"well here's news for you" she said

"If you don't give yourself to Ryan...He'll leave you" she said

"Just like what he did to me" she said

"Good thing my dad has connections, so I forced him to come back to me and If he doesn't I'll tell my daddy to to not sign the partnership with our company" she said

"and guess what Ryan caught me hooking up with his enemy so he left me again, which led to his dad not getting the partnership" she said

"so If you don't let him fuck you then he's probably fucking someone else" she said

"Ryan wouldn't do that" you said

she laughed

"Do you really not know him at all?" she said

"if he did that to me...then he can definitely do it do you" she said

"Remember this you're just an ice crew, I'm a famous figure skater" she said

"People love me, they know me, they adore me and just clean ice, dance and cheer nothing so special about that" she said

"If he left a famous figure skater...What makes you think he won't leave a pathetic ice crew" she said

she walked away and you stood there looking at Ryan

Their hockey team won

Him and his team went to exit the ice rink and sit at the bench where you and the ice crew were

"Babe we won!" he said with happiness

"Congrats babe" you said with a slight frown

Ryan ran to his team and jumped with happiness

While you were there overthinking what Andrea said

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