Ryan Cromwell

90 0 0

The game ended 

you were at the lockers about to leave

you saw Ryan waiting outside the locker room

"Hey" he said 

"uh hey" you said 

"heading home?" he asked

"yea, you?" you said

"same" he said

"you need a ride?" he asked

"no I'm actually taking a cab" you said

"Well...have you already booked it?" he asked

"no not yet" you said

"so i can give you a ride" he said

"no really i don't need it" you said

"come on y/n, you'll save money if you let me take you home"  he said

"a cab is pretty expensive" he said

"okay fine...just this time" you said

You and Ryan walked together to his car

he opened the door for you 

"thanks" you smiled

he smiled back and hopped in his car

"so lets go get you home"  he said

"where are you taking me?" you asked

"to *your address*" he said 

"how'd you know where I live?" you asked suspiciously

"I never told you" you said suspiciously

he laughed awkwardly 

"well uh" he said

"you're not a stalker are you?" you said

he laughed

"what? no absolutely not" he said

"that's exactly what a stalker would say" you smirked

he laughed

"i may have...asked someone" 

"someone?" you asked

"The Manager"  he said

"What? They're not allowed to give it out" you said pissed

"they did to me only" he said

"how?" you said

"I'm kinda the favorite of the manager..." he said

"Well unlucky you...that's not where I'm going home tonight" you said

"where?" he asked

"to *address*" you said

"A 4 hour drive" you said

"well shit" he laughed

"okay uh lets go" he said

he drove you to your house


You arrived home

"i cant believe you drove 3 hours to drop me home" you said

"yea" he laughed

"by the way... are you free this weekend?" he asked

"can i maybe... take you out for coffee or dinner maybe?" he asked

"you want to drive back tomorrow for 3 hours again?" you asked

he awkwardly laughed

"i mean i don't mind" he said

"you know I'm actually busy this weekend" you said

"okay so next week then? on weekdays?" he said

"okay fine" you said 

"see you next week" he smiled

he drove off

as much as wanted to ignore him you couldn't because honestly he's actually cute and you have a thing for hockey players


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