crazy train

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it's been wayyy too long since i've updated. i didn't have time to write out the entire train scene, but, hey, at least it's an update. anyways...please don't hate me and i hope everyone enjoys! please vote and comment it always makes my day <3


station 19 // s2 e10 // crazy train

"You can't still be sulking over Emma, can you?" Vic questioned, less than sympathetically, as she and Maya, in her now usual glum state, rolled hoses.

"Um, I can and I will." The blonde responded in a dignified tone. The last week for her had been...eventful to say the least. She was definitely hung up on the blonde surgeon. And when anyone asked why she was dimly slumped over Joe's Bar every night, looking at the door like her life depended on it, she'd respond with 'I'm just not in a great headspace right now.' Hence, it was safe to say the break up had been affecting her greatly.

"It's not like you guys are broken up forever though, right? It's just a 'break' not a 'break up.'"

"Kinda feels like a break up, Vic." Maya responded dismissively, hinting at her great longing to end this conversation. The less she thought about Emma, the better, she'd decided. "She needs space, and I'm giving it to her."
"But what if-"

"Vic, enough, please." The blonde begged, picking up the final hose and dragging it over to its designated home. "It already hurts enough without someone bringing it up every twenty seconds." Vic nodded, watching as Maya shuffled out of the turnout.


"Andy, you decent?" Maya questioned, repeatedly knocking on the bathroom door of the station.

"Um," Taken off guard, Andy wrapped a towel around her torso, knowing what was about to ensue. "I'm naked, and in the shower, but, I mean..." Maya took that as a yes, bursting through the door without another notice. "Really?" Andy tsked, turning the water off and making her way to her locker.

"What? You do this to me at home all the time." Maya tried to reason with her friend, following hot on her tail.

"We need shower boundaries. At home and at work." Andy declared, fiddling with the towel's edge. "People are already invading my space enough."

"Nobody else is invading your space. Well, except for Tanner these days, but that is clearly both invited and enjoyed."

"You know, my dad had an open house of my childhood home. Creepy strangers, wandering through, hanging out in my bedroom, pawing through my stuff." Andy shuttered at the mere thought of it.
"Except for the stuff you moved into my place. I paw through that." Maya teased, trying to gain the brunette's attention.

"I mean, it just feels like an invasion. He's auctioning off all my memories to the highest bidder."

"Oh, this isn't even a conversation, you're just venting."

"I mean, I didn't think the process would move this fast. What's the big rush?" Andy continued to vent, ignoring Maya's attempts to actually engage.

"I mean, I can say anything right now and you wouldn't even hear it. I hooked up with Ben. He cried after."

"I mean, did I do this?" Andy questioned, falling deeper and deeper into her own death spiral. "Did I inspire him to move by moving out?"

"Yeah, probably. Let's save that conversation for shower talk tomorrow. I actually came to talk to you about something."

"No. No more shower talk." Andy hovered her finger by Maya's lips for a few moments. "Shower boundaries, remember?"

"I've been watching Jack." She blurted out as Andy padded across the room. "It's like a habit I picked up while training. You know, monitor my rivals, suss out their weaknesses to make sure I could crush them. Gibson and I have been paired up on Aid Car this shift, and I still think he's not sleeping so well. He seems fidgety and on edge. And I just saw him arguing with Dean over nothing. What if he came back too soon?"

"You're being paranoid." Andy stated, trying best to suppress the blonde's emotions. "Jack knows his limits. His psychiatrist cleared him. He wouldn't come back if he wasn't ready."

"Okay, still, I'm a little glad that we didn't have any real medical calls today. You know, ease back in. And the shift's over in like 15 minutes, so..." Maya's words seemed to have teased the universe because as soon as they left her lips, the klaxon was sounding for the Station 19 Aid Car.


Trauma makes for strange bedfellows...

It's not a well known quote, but someone's had to have said it before. The call I'd been dreading had proven to be more of a challenge than I could ever dream of. I don't think it was just the plague that had been spreading across the train that led to this. Some of the trauma had to do with Emma, definitely, the way we'd left things, the way she'd left me feeling. Some of it was Jack's trauma from the skyscraper fire and his PTSD after it. And yes, some of it came from the fact that we almost had a train cart full of passenger's die due to the bird flu. But never did I think any of that would lead to me lying to Andy's face. Or me sleeping with Jack Gibson.


"Maya, you okay?" Andy frantically questioned from the other side of Maya's bathroom door.

"Yeah, I'm fine." The blonde responded, pressing a hand to Jack's mouth to keep him quiet. "CDC cleared me but scrubbed me with all these weird chemicals, so I felt I needed a real shower."

"Okay, yeah. I'll grab you some hot and sour soup from around the corner and then you're telling me everything."

"Yeah, everything." She lied.
"All right, be back soon."

"Okay, thanks." Maya waited until she heard the front door slam shut before removing her hand. "You have to go, she'll be back." She'd managed to mutter between steamy kisses.

"Okay." Jack responded, not moving from his position underneath the showerhead.

"In a minute." Maya responded, going back towards Jack once more, savoring every minute of this. But as much as she was trying to enjoy it, every inch of her body wished she was in Emma's arms, not Jack's. 

EYES FORWARD-Maya BishopDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora