all of me // not your hero // no recovery

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 Emma rode down the elevator in silence, waiting for the all too familiar ding to allow her to get off. When she did, she was met with the all too familiar and eager resident, Andrew DeLuca.

"What do we got, DeLuca?" She asked, answering in a manner very opposite to his physical appearance.

"Female firefighter, 32, suffering from smoke inhalation. Dr. Kepner was overwhelmed with the E.R, so she asked for a cardio consult so that she could go back to work." Andrew explained as he opened the curtain to where the firefighter was sitting.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Grey. I'll be checking you out today." Emma reached for her stethoscope as the firefighter began to cough.

"I feel fine, but my lieutenant wanted me to come check it out just in case." The less than enthusiastic firefighter explained.

Emma checked the blonde's heartbeat, quickly realizing that there were no abnormalities. She retreated to the chart to record this, quickly running a finger over the firefighter's name. "Okay, Bishop, your heartbeat sounds good, so I'm just going to check your airway and I can get out of your hair."

"Sounds good."

"All right, if you could just open your mouth?" Maya did so, wanting more than ever to get out of that hospital. Or get laid. Preferably both.

"Okay, everything looks all good. I'll have a nurse come by with the discharge papers." She pulled a small, white card out of her coat pocket and handed it to Maya. "On there is my personal number. If anything is wrong, feel free to reach out." A policy that Emma had. During her third year of residency, Emma had a patient who left the hospital seemingly fine, but came back a day later and left in a body bag. So, when she became an attending, she gave her number out to most of her patients to assure nothing went wrong. She strictly followed the policy when her patient was a child or a hot blonde.

"Appreciated," She looked down at the card, a now large smile on her face. "Emma Grey, head of cardio."

"Of course," Emma looked at the chart again, having forgotten the firefighter's name temporarily. "Firefighter Maya Bishop." A moment of comfortable silence washed over the two, now entirely ignoring the resident. "If you'll excuse me, I have to prep for a surgery upstairs in a while, so let me just get started on those discharge papers for you."


"Firefighter Maya Bishop." Emma chuckled as she sat down at Joe's Bar next to the firefighter she had treated a few hours ago.

"Emma Grey, head of cardio." Maya's words were slurred. She wasn't flat out drunk, but Emma could tell she was definitely tipsy.

"Now what is a fine woman like you doing in a dive bar like this?" Emma asked, propping her arm on the top of the bar. There was no response on Maya's end. The ringing in her ear was too much to bear. It blocked out all of the sound, masking Emma's voice to nothing but a loud squeak. "Maya? Maya?" The ringing passed and Maya could hear Emma's voice again. She did know that she was screwed.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Could you not hear me because you're tipsy and this bar is loud, or is it because there's another medical problem I don't know about?"


"You are in luck that I know one of the best ENT's in the country." Emma handed the firefighter a bright orange bottle full of medicine. "Take these twice a day for two weeks and the ringing should go away."

"Thank you, Dr. Grey. For everything." The smile reappeared on Maya's face.

"Come on, Bishop, we should be on a first name basis by now."

EYES FORWARD-Maya BishopNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ