lost and found // flowers grow out of my grave

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For the first time in a long time, Emma Grey slept peacefully that night. Something about simply knowing the blonde firefighter would be next to her comforted the surgeon as she drifted off to sleep. It's also why the thought of waking up the next morning was so comforting. The state of bliss Emma felt as she opened her eyes could not be described.

"Hi." Maya smiled, staring at the surgeon with a similar expression on her face.

"Don't you know it's weird to watch people while they're sleeping?" Emma joked, stretching her arms.

"I'm just...I can't believe this is real." Maya admitted, failing at her attempt not to be corny.

Emma leaned over, placing a soft peck on her girlfriend's lips. "Does that feel real?" The blonde nodded, and Emma leaned in again. "What about that?" A small nod before Emma kissed her again, more passionately this time.

A knock at the door followed shortly after, causing both women to groan in annoyance. "Maya, we gotta leave soon. Shift starts in 30 minutes."

"Ugh." Emma sighed, knowing that if their shift was in a half hour, she was already late.

"I wish we could stay here forever." Maya admitted, throwing on a t-shirt she found on her floor. "But..."

"We both have highly demanding jobs that save people's lives." Emma finished the sentence, reciting their quote, their motto, almost, as to why they couldn't just stay home for no good reason. "Hey, I can't find my shirt." Emma told the firefighter as she looked around the room.

Maya shrugged. "Just take one of mine."

Emma laughed as she put on her pants. "That doesn't seem too U-Haul lesbian for you?"

Maya climbed on top of the bed. "Well, I'm not a lesbian, so that doesn't apply here." She gave Emma a quick kiss before jolting off the bed. "Text me when you get to the hospital."

"Maya?" Emma's voice got the firefighter to turn around.


"You drove me here last night."


"Alright," Maya sighed, preparing to say goodbyes once again as she pulled up outside the entrance of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, coincidentally, just as Jackson Avery and Alex Karev were walking in as well. "I will see you after my shift."

"Bye." Emma smiled as she leaned over the passenger seat, kissing Maya before quickly getting out of the car. The car left, leaving Emma, as well as the two boys who were waiting just outside the hospital for her. "What?" She asked the two, as they both gave her very distinct, memorable looks.

"You were able to score that?" Emma nodded, proud of her girlfriend of less than twelve hours. "Nice."

"Dude, you have a wife." The plastic surgeon reminded his friend, blatantly disgusted by his words.

"Well, my wife is the best woman alive." Alex stated proudly. "No offense, Em."

Emma put her hands up. "None taken."

"You do both realize we're extremely late, right." Jackson reminded the two. "Maybe it's not the best idea to be loitering outside the lobby."

"Good point."

"Fair enough."


station 19 // s2 e4 // lost and found

"Or that something could be that you have the coolest place out of any of us." Vic announced, entering the beanery where Andy and Maya were, Dean following close behind her. "Sorry, no offense to Chez Bishop." She quickly added, finally noticing Andy and Maya cleaning the dishes that had built up.

EYES FORWARD-Maya BishopWhere stories live. Discover now