blowin' in the wind // weather the storm

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grey's anatomy // s15 e8 // blowin' in the wind

The repeated knocking on the Grey-Shepherd-Pierce household's front door awoke Emma the morning of the storm. The house, for once, was seemingly unoccupied, as Meredith had been in Los Angeles, Amelia had been at work, and Maggie was at Jackson's, leaving Emma with Ellis, Bailey, and Zola.

"Geez, I'm coming." Emma muttered groggily, still in a sleepish trance when she opened the door. "Maya?"

"Sorry, I woke you." Maya quickly observed, letting herself inside as the winds raged behind her. "But, I, uh...didn't think you'd want me letting myself in while..." Maya found her words slipping away from her. "You figure out your feelings." She concluded unsurely.

"It's a little bit more than that, Maya, and you know that." Emma snarkily remarked, still not pleased with the blonde's actions from the week prior.

Maya rolled her eyes in response. "Yeah, I know what you think it is. And even though I'm not sleeping in this house, I still want to make sure the people that live here are safe." She explained, throwing on a pair of thick work gloves. "Wind storm's on the way. It's supposed to get pretty ugly. I, uh- I was gonna board up the windows before my shift if that's okay with you?"

"Yes, of course." Emma agreed, wanting her nieces and nephew to be safe more than anything else. "Just try not to wake up the kids."

"I will hammer the nails into the boards as quietly as possible." Maya remarked sarcastically, quickly taking back the satirical thought. "I'll do the kids' windows last."

"Thank you, Maya."

"You should know by now that I'd do anything for you."


It hadn't taken long for Emma to start to crack in front of her sisters. She hadn't explicitly told them what had happened with Maya, but all three of the sisters were starting to get the idea that something was up. "Em, you can't keep this from me forever." Meredith insisted, taking the seat across from Emma in the attendings' lounge. "What happened with you and Maya?"

"Nothing, I- nothing." Emma's coffee cup hovered in front of her lips. From Emma's perspective, Meredith was staring into her soul, eagerly anticipating her letting out the secret she'd been hiding all week. Emma set the coffee mug down, as Meredith had finally gotten her to crack."Maya told me she loved me."

"I knew it!" Amelia exclaimed, a bit too ardently.

"Pretty sure you said 'in love with Andy.'" Maggie quoted as Amelia scoffed.

"No I did not."

"Did too." Emma remarked, remembering her sister's words from just a day earlier. "That's not the point, though. She told me she loved me and I ran out."

"Wait, wh- you didn't at least stay for a minute." Amelia criticized.

Emma let out a forced laugh. "Yeah, no. I dipped."

The neurosurgeon smacked her sister in the back of the head. Hard. "Stupid."

"Uh, ow." Emma held the back of her head with her free hand.

"What do you think she's thinking, hm?" Emma stayed silent. "She's probably thinking that you don't love her. Do you love her?"


"Then go tell her!"

"Okay." Emma gave in, raising her coffee cup to her lips once more.

"Now!" Meredith and Maggie chorused.

EYES FORWARD-Maya BishopМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя