Chapter 14: Feet are still pretty Happy (Part 2/2)

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Alright! Finally part 2 probably the last part, we are getting close to the Demon Continent arc, so things are about to turn up a bit! I've been excited to make it this far so I'll probably end up pumping out more chapters because it's finally about to get crazy. Anyways, thanks for all the new supporters, and views! 9k That's wild honestly. Those who stook around waiting for this moment I will be more active from now on. I'm excited to show you my progress with the new panels. I'll proof read later.

Let's get into it.

Chapter Begin

It was the night before Eris's birthday party. Rudy was in our room, while I was walking in with a slightly weighted package. It was for him.

"Here you go, Rudy, this is for you. I believe it's from Roxy." I said to Rudy, handing it to him. A smile came across his face; he opened the package and there were two letters, and a notebook with writing in it, a language we did not understand. "Ah, maybe she wrote us a book herself on 'Demon God' language. Let's read the letters, I imagine the other one is mine."

As Rudy delved into his letter, a blend of affection and concentration on his face, I moved to my side of the room and sat down on my bed. Opening mine, a wave of warmth washes over me. Despite not having written to Roxy, her initiative to include me in her correspondence brings a genuine smile to my face.

Letter from Roxy:

Dear Wilb,

You are very annoying you know that, you know you as a man should be sending me a letter first! Hmph, anyways, I hope you are doing well. I can tell you have been progressing well from Rudy's letters. I am proud of you.

Don't forget it is almost time for you to decide to go to school! Don't forget about the places I told you about, and I can always send a recommendation. Of course for Rudy as well when he gets to that point.

Also, I hope these notes on Demon God language helps you guys. But I have no doubt you will learn it in no time. So I expect the next time I receive a letter, it will in exactly that. Consider it another test.

Rudy relies on you a lot, Wilb. Keep being a guiding figure, I know you'll be amongst the best, so when that time comes don't forget to tell people who your teacher was.

Don't forget to come find me when the time comes, I would love to see how big you've become. I mean! Nothing weird, whatever, bye.




Rudy looks over at me, "Ah, what does your letter say, Wilb?" a curious expression on his face.

I take a bashful demeanor, a rare moment of shyness that I exude, "Ahh, you know, just nice stuff, haha. The important part besides the nice letter was that these notebooks contain Roxy's writing and notes on how we can learn 'Demon God' language, just like I thought. But I am sure she told you that in your letter," I responded, trying to shift the focus to the more tangible aspect of Roxy's gift.

"Yeah, yeah, fine don't share, and yeah she did." He replies with a playful annoyance.

After telling Rudy no to showing him my letter from Roxy. We proceeded to look through the notebook she gave to us on 'Demon God' Language, and pretty much studied it for the night. Pretty uneventful.

Eris's Birthday party

It was the next day, Rudy and I were getting ready for Eris's birthday party in our room. Philip got us some fancy suits to put on. I had a nice purple and black tux that was pretty stylish and cohesive.

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