Chapter 13: Got Them Happy Feet (Part 1/2)

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Dang, okay, well views and likes are sky-rocketing. As I said, I will be focusing on this book for the remainder of my Fall Semester as it is the only book I can cognitively do without losing it. Us people on the spectrum are so nerfed with our talents. Like please give me the energy to be able to just do things. D: I digress. Anyways let's get into it.

Chapter Begin

I just got done talking to Philip, he gave me a book on Beast God Language.I retreat to my room, to find Rudy heading into the room as well. I greet him with a smile, holding up a book to learn Beast God's Language. "We learning a new language, Rudy, be ready." I gave him no explanation, just a smirk.

Rudy looks at the book curiously, then at me, his eyes narrowing slightly in amusement. "Beast God Language, huh? You always keep things interesting, Wilb. Mind if I ask why we're diving into this particular linguistic pool?"

I shrug, "Honestly, I figured learning a new language would help us in the long run. Plus it'll be nice for me to gain some brownie points with Ghislaine." I chuckle mischievously.

Rudy's eyes light up at the mention of Ghislaine. "Ah, impressing Ghislaine, that's a tall order. But you're right, understanding her native tongue could be a strong point in our favor. Learning this could indeed prove useful."

I suddenly raise an eyebrow, I realize I haven't seen Rudy all day today, him or Eris. I was curious."What were you doing today?" I asked him. Rudy then got bashful rubbing the back of his neck. He proceeded to explain to me that he and Eris were learning how to dance for Eris's big 11th birthday, which completely skipped my mind. I forgot about that. I laugh heartily,  placing my hand on his shoulder. "I can help you guys with that!" I stated happily. I was a dancer in my old life.

Rudy's eyes widen with relief and a hint of excitement. "Really? That would be a tremendous help, Wilb. Dancing is... not exactly my strong suit, and the event is important to Eris and her family. Your expertise could save us from potential embarrassment."

"Yeah, of course," I reply with a thumbs up. Rudy then  proceeded to tell me that Eris was a bit resistant to learning, and if anyone could get her into it. It was me. I nodded."I'll try to convince her." I hand him the book. "Go get started, this is my assignment for you." I said turning around and making my way towards Eris's room, while I heard Rudy yell behind me in a joking way,

"You don't even know the language either!"


After a few minutes, I arrive at Eris's room and knock on her door.

Eris's voice calls out, a bit guarded but curious. "Who is it?"

It sounded as if I just caught her in the middle of something.I peek my head in, before fully entering. I see Eris breathing a bit heavily, but she looks to be trying to hide whatever activity she is doing, which I imagine dancing."So, Rudy told me you were being a bit troublesome to dancing. Aren't you excited about your 11th birthday? Becoming a young lady?" I say playfully, Eris keeping up her tsundere attitude.

She crosses her arms, a blush forming on her cheeks before she relied. "Who said I wasn't excited? I just don't see why I have to dance to prove I'm becoming a lady, that's all." She continued on to mutter that she didn't like celebrating her birthday.

I walk toward the small desk Eris had in her room and take a seat. I cross my arms as well, looking up at the ceiling."You know. I used to think like that too," I bring my gaze back down toward Eris, "But, I realized how sweet it was that I had the people I care about around me celebrating the day I came to this world. I find that beautiful." I conveyed endearingly, which caused Eris's face to light up slightly, but she tried to stay serious. "But I get your situation as well. Your dad invites all these people you don't really know, and it feels more like a show. I would hate that. Because it's not as intimate you know?"

Digital Illustrator's Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensai x Semi-OpMale OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें