Chapter 3: Let's get some real training.

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Muwahaha, I am loving writing this series. I'm glad y'all rocking with it too! I'll be short in the A/N this chapter. Let's get started!

***Previous chapter***

"I'm Roxy. It's a pleasure to meet you."

***Chapter Begin***

"Oh, uh, are-are you the hometutor?" Zenith finally asked.

"Aren't you a little, uh..." Paul managed.

Our parents were fumbling with their words, so Rudy decided to be direct and finish our father's sentence. "You're little."

I looked over at Rudy shaking my head.

"Hey, you're sure one to talk!" Roxy snapped back.

I walked forward and nodded my head towards her, "Excuse my family, it seems they are quick to judge. It's good to meet you, Miss Roxy. My name is Wilb." I said respectfully.

Roxy, looked at me with a small smile, "Ahhh, finally some respect, I'm guessing you're my student?" she asked, looking at me, not even acknowledging the other young prodigy next to me.

"Also, our boy right here," Zenith replied, bouncing Rudy slightly in her arms.

Rudy gave Roxy a cheeky wink. Her eyes went wide, and she sighed once more. "Ugh, this happens sometimes" she muttered under her breath. "Kid shows signs of growing up a little fast and the damn parents get it into their heads that he's got a special talent."

Rudy and I both seemingly heard her. He looked visibly offended, in most cases she would be right. Especially back on earth. I think it's sweet sometimes the confidence parents have for their kids, but sometimes they aren't as special as one would think.

"You say something?" Paul asked Roxy, not hearing her.

"Oh, nothing," she replied. "I'm just not sure that your youngest son would be able to understand the principles of magic. Your..." She looked at me and then our parents. Noticing the obvious difference in our appearances, "Your, uh, oldest son I imagine here, he looks promising." She says, having no faith in the young Rudy.

"Oh, don't you worry" Zenith said, briming with motherly pride. "Our little Rudy here is brilliant as well!"

"I also second that, just as you were offended by my family to judge, Miss Roxy, you shouldn't be so quick to judge my brother here," looking over at him, I let out a sigh. "He is a bit much sometimes though." Our parents snickered a bit at that nodding in agreement.

Yet again, Roxy sighed. "All right, then...I suppose I will just have to do what I can." She sounded like she'd already decided it was futile.

And so, that was the first day of taking classes with Roxy in the morning and practicing swordplay with Paul in the afternoon.


"Okay, so this magic textbook here...Actually. Before we get to that, how about we see how much magic you two can use, Rudy, you go first?"

Roxy had taken us into the yard for our first lesson. Makes sense to want to practice outside, don't need another hole in the wall incident.

"First, I'll demonstrate. Let the vast and blessed waters converge where thou wilt and issue forth a single pure stream thereof- Waterball!" As Roxy chanted her incantation, an orb of water about the size of a basketball formed in her palm. Then, she hurtled it at high speed at one of the trees in our yard.

 Then, she hurtled it at high speed at one of the trees in our yard

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