Chapter 4.5: Growth

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All my books are officially 100+ views. Thank you all so much. Feel like I am always doing some type of thanks haha, but I am thankful.

Okay lets get started.

***Previous Chapter***

That peaked my interest. That was indeed the question I was going to ask if she did not address it.

"Do not think your choices there are only exclusive to magic or swords. Whatever you imagine, it is possible there."

"Wow...That is interesting, and indeed a lot to think about." I say taking a few steps away from the two.

"Do not stress yourselves out too much. That is just future talk. You're both young now. Plus, we need to talk about your guys graduation. I almost have nothing left to teach you."

Oh yeah....It's already been sometime since she first came. Wow, how time flies.

***Chapter Begin***

Ever since Rudy and I came to this world, we have yet to leave home.

I guess at this point it has been intentional. I go to see the towns folk every now and again to help around with Roxy on our off days. But I am sure there is so much more out there. Well, obviously right.

We would try to get Rudy to come out with us to help with around the village, but he could never bring himself to walk past that gate.

I get it....The trauma of leaving his home in his past life led him to this point. Even now in a new world, it was just so imbedded in his mind and soul.

The serene pastoral landscape that stretched out before us was peaceful. But Rudy felt as if it would never accept him.

I could not help but feel terrible... I wish there was something I could do.

I was blessed with a firm mentality. I never let bullies get to me growing up...To be fair, I would try to bully the bullies. I never understood the process of seriously trying to demean or humiliate somebody for one's own self gratification.

But not everyone can be strong like that...Nor have the means to back up or defend oneself. Even though I was rather small growing up, I had a big bite, a sharp tongue, and fast hands. Plus, I had group of friends who were small just like me. We used to call each other 'The Shorties'. We would just gang up on the big, tall bullies. Good times....

Anyways, I was going off memory lane. With that, I get something like this would be very hard for him.


The graduation ceremony was to take place outside the village, Roxy informed us.

Rudy protested meekly. "Outside?"

"Yes, just outside the village. I've already got the horse prepared."

"It'll be great, Rudy." I said.

"Can't we do it inside the house?" Rudy asked.

"No, we can't." Roxy says, quickly shutting down the idea.

"We can't, huh?"

Rudy looked lost. The thought of going into the village put him in a slight state of dissaray.

"Rudy? Are you okay?" I asked, walking up to him and placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, why, what's the matter Rudy?" Roxy asked, concerned on his behavior as well.

Rudy shifts his eyes a bit to the side. "Um, well, it's just...There might be monsters or something out there."

I raised an eyebrow.

Digital Illustrator's Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensai x Semi-OpMale OC)Where stories live. Discover now