The Collision Expands- Chapter 26- Derrick/Candace

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The very next moment;


"This is a waste of everyone's time, mom!" I plead to my mother. On top of all the crap I've been through lately, she's been hassling me to apologize to Linnie for what happened back in LA

"Look, boy," my mother, Ashley says, with a finger up, "we already here now so this is the perfect time to just say your sorry so we can all move on."

Against my will, my mother dragged me to this party. It's torture just being in the same room as the woman who shattered my heart and my career into a million pieces.

"I'm here because you dragged me here," I argue back, "I'm trying to be respectful and not cause a commotion."

"Then don't cause another commotion and apologize." my mom says

"This is hardly the time or the place to talk about this." I say back. We're near the entrance of the building but people are already staring, as if I care what these people think about anything.

"Why you bein' such a stubborn baby!?" My mother yells l. Okay, that's it, I've had it with everyone.

"Because I'm not fucking sorry!" I scream but then suddenly I make eye contact with that gorgeous woman I've been seeing with a kid since I've been here. I feel embarrassed and I walk out.

But before I go outside I bump into some other asshole. I hear someone call his name, I guess his name is Chad

"Watch where you're going dick!" The dude says

"God, I hate this place!" Is all I say before I storm out.

"Hey!" My mother calls after me, "where the hell do you think you're goin', boy!?"

"Away from you, mom!" I shout back, "I swear if any of you have gotten on your phones to record this, I swear to God, I will sue every last one of you if I see it on social media!" I yell at the crowd that's gathered here. They quickly put their phones away.

Then I hear a voice say, "it's okay, Ash, if your son wants to act like a stubborn little boy, let him do it."

It was Linnie who made her way outside, her man isn't with her. I can't believe what I'm hearing and I fucking lose it.

"Stubborn little boy!?" I shout, I hate myself for doing this, this is not me but they pushed me, "Stubborn little boy!? Is that what you called me, little girl!?"

Linnie looks like she's about to say something back but I put a hand up to silence her.

"Zip it!" I exclaim to her, "You're not talking! You have some nerve to call me out and demand an apology. You and you," I point to my mother and Linnie, "owe me a damn apology! I refuse to be the bad guy in this story! You're the one who punched me in the face," pointing to Linnie, "and you," pointing to my mother, "along with Larry beat me up for the entire world to see. Because of that I not only lost my job, I've been blackballed from ever working in Hollywood ever again. After all the sacrifices and hard work I did to get where I was." I take a breath, I haven't taken my eyes off Linnie or my mother, they're just staring at me transfixed, "Do you know I was out on a no fly list from any airport in southern California!? That's why I had to drive my car all across the country!"

"Well you got what you deser-" Linnie starts saying but again I raise my hand to shut her up.

"I said zip it!" I say, "I deserved it!? I deserved it!? You have the nerve to say I deserved it! I'm not going to apologize for doing my job and following my heart!"

"Followed your heart?!" Linnie yells back, "What are you talking about?! You tried putting the moves on me when I was still vulnerable about my breakup with him." She motions to Donny who's come out by now

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