The Collision Expands- Chapter 25- Donny/Linnie

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Donny and Linnie's engagement party; around 10am on the same day


"Are you ready, sexy-boy?" Linnie asks. We're at her art store which has been closed for business for the day in honor of our engagement party.

"Of course," I say, "I feel like we've waited our whole lives for this moment. The only thing better than this when we actually get married." Unlike what Linnie experienced with Spencer, we wasted no time setting a wedding date and reserving a hall. It's going to be Thanksgiving weekend, which will also be Chad and Janine's one year anniversary, in fact, we're using the same wedding hall as them.

"I'm so happy, it's like a dream." Linnie says. She's been giddy ever since she accepted my proposal. Don't get me wrong, we've been all over each other again but it's not as unfettered as the first time we got together.

"Hey, we're alone right now," I say, "it'll be a little bit before everyone shows up so you want to make out a little?" Linnie doesn't even say anything, she just starts kissing me. We weren't kissing long before I heard my new favorite voice.

"Papa!" it was my son, Naldo, running up to us, excitedly. As I pick him up in my arms, I see his mother, Candy, is slowly straggling along behind him. She looks really reluctant to be here. She's still very bitter that I chose Linnie over her. She's even gone so far as calling Linnie a homewrecker.

"Just so you both know," Candy says, "I'm at this thing because of Naldo but that's it. Don't expect any congratulations from me and if you want anyone to translate for Naldo, you better ask your friend Benny because I'm not doing it."

"Hey," Linnie says, "if you don't want to be here, you can leave. Naldo's good with us."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Candy says back, "You're a homewrecker after all. It's not enough to take my man, you want to take my son from me, too."

Linnie and Candy have been bickering like this ever since Linnie and I got engaged. Linnie loves Naldo and she understands why Candy has to be around, but that doesn't mean she's happy about it. Linnie hasn't really said anything, but I can tell she still feels threatened by Candy no matter how much I reassure her. Something's going to need to get done about this soon. Linnie and I wanted to put an end to us being the source of all the drama going on but Candy, being the major drama queen that she is, won't let that happen.

"Hey, hey, hey, you two," I say, trying to ease the tension so there's sour mood for this occasion, "I know this isn't an ideal situation, so let's try to get through this thing without splitting hairs, okay. But somehow, someway, the two of you will have to figure out how to co-exist because this is the reality now."

Before either one of them could say anything more, I see Kenny and Gina walk in. Followed by several other people including my brother, Chester, with his aide, Neil, Benny and the service dog Gimble.


Gina runs over to me screaming excitedly and gives me a big, tight hug.

"I can't believe this is finally happening!" she says.

I've never seen her like this, she's usually pretty calm and docile. I see Kenny going over to Candace, his sister, and saying something that I can't hear before making his way to us. Candace is sitting at one the back tables with her head on her hand looking bored and miserable. I don't why she's here if she doesn't want to be here so much but I'm not going to let this opportunity to rub this in her face go to waste. Call me petty, call me childish but I don't care.

Gina moves on to embracing Donny with the same enthusiasm while Kenny gives me a big hug and we kiss each other on the cheek.

"This is a long time coming, guys," Kenny says, "I feel like I should take credit for this. I'm the one who pushed Don to start talkin' to Linnie. Anyone else want me to set them up?" Kenny says jokingly. There's quite a crowd of friends pouring in.

"It's not going to be long before we're going to be at you guy's wedding." I say to both of them

"Our thing ain't until June," Kenny says, "we're here to celebrate you guys."

"Yeah, like where're you going to be living, what're you going to be doing?" This time it was Craig showing up. He's here without Krystal, his girlfriend, probably because she's watching over Janine as she's in her third trimester of her pregnancy.

She and Chad have not been seen or heard of since we got engaged. I hope they show up or at least Chad, Janine's my oldest friend and mentor. She's a big reason for me and Donny getting together.

"Well, I'm taking the Bar exam soon." Donny's answering Craig's question. I've been caught up thinking about Chad and Janine, I forgot Craig's question which is actually quite pertinent. I'll explain why in a second.

"I'm not going to speak for Linnie," Donny says, looking over at me."What're you going to be doing?
I don't know what to say, there's something I haven't spoke to Donny about.

"Oh, you know," I say, downplaying the topic, "art.. stuff?"

Art stuff? Did I really just say art stuff. This created an awkward silence for a moment but it was interrupted by a bit of a commotion coming from the entrance. I know one of the yelling voices anywhere; it's Ashley.

And with her, dragged by the ear, is the guy that owes me a big apology...again. It's Derrick.

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