The Collision Expands- Chapter 24- Primer

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This new arc will be a little different than previous arcs. Donny and Linnie are certainly still a focal point of this story and they will be featured in this but this will be an opportunity for them to take a step back and let some of the secondary characters get the spotlight. This also serves as a prelude series to Ignition to Cognition: A Cogs of Deception/Destined to Collide crossover event.

The saga continues...A week and a half later; a Wednesday; morning


What a week it's been. Me and Linnie are officially engaged and today is the day of our engagement party. It's being held at Linnie's art store, where we are right and we can't wait. My son Naldo has really taken to Linnie and he's slowly learning English. The same cannot be said for his mother, Candy. She's still staying at the house of her twin brother, Kenny. I've tried to arrange a talk between Candy and Linnie so we can all be on the same page but both Candy and Linnie refused. They both resent each other for different reasons; I just hope this party will go without incident.


It's been quite a journey for us but we've finally made it to this point. I'm so happy right now. We've closed the store for the day for our engagement party. I know it's only been a week and a half but I feel like we've put all our drama behind us. Or, rather, that's what I've convinced myself of, but there's a couple of things that could present themselves as a challenge but I'm positive we can work through it like normal adults. I've received an offer of a lifetime to be a curator again but I won't reveal where yet. Although I adore Naldo, another obstacle is his mother Candace still lurking around. Perhaps that's unfair to say because she has to but she's the only one of Donny's exes that I actually feel threatened by. They have all this history and a child together. There's a little more to it but that's the gist of it. Lastly, I've noticed that Derrick is in town now. I'm not holding my breath but Ashley assures me that she's going to drag him to our party and make him apologize to me.


Are they out of their fucking minds!? My mother's been on my case to apologize to Linnie since I got here. I don't want to be here, I don't want to be around these people. I have no choice right now, I was forced to leave LA and come here. But this is only temporary. If I can get a job somewhere in New York City, I'm bolting. I don't want to be anywhere near these people that's cost me everything. So no, I'm not going to their engagement party! But what I really want to know right now is who's that fine ass white girl is that's been running around town with a little boy?!


Despite what Donny or anyone else believes, I actually do love Donny and I always have and always will. I didn't realize until it was too late that I had this power over him. Yes, I was always jealous when Donny would be in a relationship because in my selfish, deluded brain, I thought he would always wait for me. I really thought we'd end up together. I guess I loved my own stupid games more than I loved Donny. But I'm not giving up. Donny needs to be with me and not that homewrecker. Naldo needs to have both parents in his life. So I'm going to wait this out. I'm also having issue with my brother Kenny and his fiancé, Gina. But in the mean time, I have one question; who's that very handsome black man that's been hanging around the art store lately?


We need to get outta this town, ASAP. I'm selling the diner. I love Don and Linnie but they've been the biggest source of my migraines lately. I blame myself. I'm the one who pushed Don to talk to her to begin with. I love that they're finally engaged but how long before something else comes up that throws my life all topsy-Turvey and they're fightin' again? I'm tired of being dragged into their 'will they, won't they nonsense'. Me and Gina almost broke up after all these years of bein' together because of our different past issues with Don. Me and Gina are good now but before we know it, there'll be some issue that'll rope us into and cause more problems between us. We're getting married soon, after all. Then, of course, there's my dear twin sis, Candace, who's still living with us....


I don't want to leave town, there's no reason for it. Kenny's overreacting. This town is our home. Yes, there's been drama but that's what gives it it's charm. However, my concern is Candace and how long she's planning to stay at our house? I get that she's Kenny's sister but I'm getting sick of hearing her complain about Linnie and pine after Donny. She's so single minded right now. I have no problem with her staying here in town because of Naldo but it doesn't have to be at our house? I've tried to encourage her to go out and look for an apartment and a job even if it's a little ways away. She's been here all this time and she's yet to bring up that she's a fashion designer, and a pretty good one at that. She needs something else to focus on and come to terms that she blew her chance to be with Donny a long time ago. I've certainly moved on. That whole deal where me and Janine kissed Donny to see if we still have feelings for him, I meant what I said, I didn't feel anything romantic. The truth is, I hadn't thought of him that way in quite some time; he's one of my best friends. It was Janine that got into my head about that. But I'll let her talk about that; she and Chad have been pretty MIA since Donny and Linnie got engaged and the events surrounding it.


I don't know where to begin and I don't know what's going to happen. Chad and I have reached a pretty rough patch and the timing couldn't be worse. He's been pretty evasive lately ever since Donny's big speech. I know he's being respectful because of my pregnancy but we know each other so well. He's still feeling pretty insecure and inadequate and jealous about this emotional connection I may or may not still have for Donny. I don't plan on going to this party but I think Chad is. Krystal, my nurse who's been super helpful, has me staying at home as I'm due in June. Chad's always working and I'm always at home bored. Our new carpenter for the baby's nursery isn't making things any easier either....


Alright, I'll say this once so it's clear, I will not be discussing my private life with anyone that I don't want to know. So unless it has to do with a case I'm working on, I will not be revealing anything here. Janine can reveal what I say from her perspective if she wants and she probably will because she's a goddamn blabbermo- No, no, no. I will go no further. Have a good day

Carmen (she debuted in my other story, Cogs of Deception)-

My family and I have just touched down into Newark airport from San Diego. I'll update what's been happening with me and my family ever since Russ sent me here for my own safety. It's crazy; before a month or so ago, I was a regular housewife and now I'm in deep with the FBI and the CIA. I've met my birth father, Russ, a few weeks ago and now I'm moving to New Jersey abruptly. I told my husband, Ricardo, what's happening but our kids wouldn't understand. We've just told them that I got a new job all of a sudden and that's why we have to move right away and it would only be temporary, which I hope is true. Apparently, the Feds have set us up with a house, two cars, a job for both of us and our sons have been enrolled in the local schools. But the first thing I must do is go to the addresses I was given so I can go meet my two half-brothers, Donny and Chester (as well as my nephew, Naldo).


B- we broke up and I've moved back to California; I'll talk about it later

S- I'm not giving up on me and Brook. As hard as it is for me to admit, I recognize that I've messed up big time. I've never given up on anything worth fighting for and I'm not starting now.

End of chapter please vote and comment

I hope you all enjoy this preview of what's to come in this new arc.

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