Chapter One Hundred and Nine

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Finn couldn't believe his father actually thought that. The more power they wielded, the bigger target they would have. But maybe this is what failure has done to him. The delusion he has of ruling over the city was just not feasible.

"You don't think we could do it." Cillian said.

"I don't think it's what you actually want." Finn decided to be honest. "I think you would love to rule over the city, but I think doing it with me is only because you think you have no other choice. I think you're desperate."

"Interesting." His father said, drawing out each syllable.

"I think you know you don't really have a choice here." Finn cocked his head. "You're cornered and think by inciting me with power - something that only you have a desperate craving for - will get me to show you mercy, because both you an I know who holds the real power right now."

"You'll go against your own blood?" Cillian asked coldly, his eyes hardening with every second as he realizes he never stood a chance.

"Blood means nothing to me when it comes to you." He said truthfully, "I've made bonds that are stronger than any you have ever have with me. I have people who would die for me and I would die for them. Why would I need someone who would stab me in the back as soon as I wasn't looking?"

They stared each other down for a long moment, eyeing one another like wolves in a forest baring their teeth seeing who would flinch first. Finally, Cillian said, "You were never going to listen to me, were you?"

"Not after everything." Finn admitted. "Not after years of abuse and neglect. Not after seeing how you treated my sisters and our mother."

"Your mother!" He laughed ruefully. "That fool of a woman deserved how I treated her. She was ready to betray all of us, speaking to a pig, giving information that would've taken down the Malone family. A family that has been at the center of Queenstown for almost a hundred years."

Finn paused. "What?"

"She thought I was so evil that she was ready to turn all of us in. For months, she went behind my back, but she wasn't smart enough to hide it from me forever." Cillian continued to rant.

"What are you saying?" Finn's heart was beating erratically in his chest.

"Oh, come on, son." Cillian stepped toward him slowly. "Like you didn't know. You're far too smart to feign ignorance."

He was right. For years, Finn had known, yet he was unwilling to admit it, to truly dissect what had happened and why.

His father had killed their mother.

"There it is." Cillian continued. "Acceptance, finally. And in a moment, you'll come to realize I did the only thing I could have."

"You killed her." Finn's voice broke.

"She betrayed us." Cillian sneered, "What do you think would have happened to you if she had gotten her way? You think you would have been let off with a slap on the wrist? You had already done so many unforgivable things."

"You killed her." He repeated.

"She deserved it."

Finn actually laughed at that, sounding far too manic to be in complete control of himself. "After everything you did to her, you really think that? Of course she fucking turned on you."

"Turned on us, son." Cillian insisted.

"Stop fucking calling me that." Finn spat out. "I am no son to you. She turned on you and you only. You treated her like shit. You treated us like pawns in your game. You're the one who deserved it, Cillian. You deserved to be betrayed and this-"

Sweet Little LiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon