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"Do you wanna stay over tonight?" quietly asked Jisung from the drivers seat of the car.

They were on their way back from that little picnic next to the river and it was starting to get dark outside, but Jisung didn't want this day to end just yet, and Minho felt the same way.

"Will Hyunjin get mad or something?" asked the older, not wanting to cause an argument between Jisung and the blonde accidentally.

"Oh! He's sleeping over at Felix's so I don't think he'll care. Besides, tomorrow is Saturday so we can stay up and watch as many movies as we want!" excitedly sang the brunette.

"Don't you work at the airport on the weekends?" questioned Minho.

"They fired me. They said they had too much staff." Jisung's tone was quiet yet a smile never left his lips. However the older could notice that it wasn't genuine.

"Ji, you know I can help you with money if you ever need it." he placed one of his hands on Jisung's thigh and rubbed little circles on it.

"Min, I'm okay, and I don't like being a work of charity." the brunette said, taking his eyes off the road to glance at the boy next to him.

"You're not a work of charity. It's okay to ask for help."

Jisung just dismissed the conversation with a shake of his head.

"Anyways, are you staying or not?"

Minho sighed.

"Of course I'm staying."


Back at the apartment, Jisung threw clothes all over the bed. Big hoodies and t-shirts along with different sweatpants hang around for Minho to choose from.

"I'll get the black hoodie and gray sweatpants, you can stop messing up your room now." said Minho, grabbing the said clothes and walking towards the bathroom to get changed.

Jisung mouthed an 'okay' and went to put everything back into place when his phone rung, startling him a bit as he picked it up to see who the caller was.

As soon as his eyes landed on the screen, his breathing stopped it's regular rythm. His heart begun to beat harder and his hands started shaking, but he still accepted that somewhat hellish call.

"Jisung? Is that you?" asked a pretty voice from the other line. It was tainted by age and...was that sadness? No, it sounded more like mockery.

"What do you want, mom?" hesitantly asked the brunette boy, trying to get his voice as steady as possible.

"Oh, Jisunggie!" she called. The younger flinched at the nickname. He had begun picking at the skin around his fingers unconsciously. "Our neighbor told me that she saw you today in town!"

Her happy tone scared Jisung. It wasn't really happy, it was just fake and forced.

"Mom, what do you want? Why are you suddenly calling me?" he didn't manage to get his voice stable.

"What do you mean? Can't I just call to check on my son?" she said. Her tone changed to an angry one.

Right then, Minho came out of the bathroom. He run up to Jisung's side as soon as he saw the boys state. He took the brunette's hand between his own and placed a light kiss on it when he noticed the shiny droplets of blood that stained the boy's index and middle finger.

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