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"Felix, could you not laugh at my misfortune?!" shouted a frustrated Minho from the couch, his hands covering his face in embarrassment.

"But Min! It's so funny!" kept on laughing the younger.

He had come to Minho's house a while ago to help the boy choose an outfit for today. He was meeting with Changbin's producer and he wanted to give a good impression.

"It's not! I fucking confessed and he frienzoned me in the smoothest way possible! Like I can't even be mad at him because he's so fucking adorable!" the older groaned, rolling off the couch and falling with a loud thump. "What am I supposed to do now? I'm still in love with him!"

"Then just make him like you back." suggested Felix.

Minho looked up at his best friend with a mixture of hope and disbelief.

"Me? The gayest gay panicker existing?" joked the red haired boy.

Felix noticed how Minho had openly said he was gay in front of him. He smiled at the improvement in their relationship widely.

The freckled boy kneeled in front of his best friend.

"Yes, you, the most handsome and charming gayest gay panicker existing." he flicked the boys forehead, to which he winced in pain and rubbed a finger over the hurting spot. "Now get your ass up or you're gonna be late to meet with that Chan guy!"

"Ah! You're right!" he stood up and rushed to the door, hugging the blonde tightly but quickly in the process. "Bye, Lix! I'll be back soon, I hope!" he said before closing the door with a loud thump.

Felix shook his head and sighed, but the smile never left his lips. He looked at the time in his phone and panicked when he realized he was supposed to pick up Hyunjin from his morning classes ten minutes ago. He cursed under his breath, rushing to the door.


Minho looked confused at the two boys in front of him. Changbin had done the presentations already but he'd had to leave to some rap program they'd invited him to.

Now, the red haired boy was sitting awkwardly with two males he didn't know enough to start a conversation with.

Still, he was supposed to meet with just one person, Chan. So what was that guy named Seungmin doing there too? His confusion levels where unbelievably high and the said boy seemed to notice it.

He looked up from his phone and sipped from his iced Americano.

"I just came along cause this fucker said I'd have no balls to do it. Just keep talking business like I'm not here." he stated, revealing a pretty voice coated with dullnes. His gaze went back to the screen in his hands.

Minho mouthed an 'ahh' and nodded his head slowly, resting his body a little against his chair.

"Yeah...sorry." spoke the man named Chan. He turned to glare at Seungmin, teeth clenched behind his smile. "My boyfriend here has decided to be a little bitch today!"

Seungmin looked up again at the raven haired boy. He looked a little angry, but bored overall.

"Next time think twice before suggesting me to come when I tell you I'm bored and then saying I have no balls to do it, Christopher!" he left a puffy breath out his nose and once again turned his eyes to the phone.

"Ugh, you're unbelievable. Remind me why I'm dating you again?"

"I dunno, you where the one asking me out now deal with it."

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