"That's right." I continue to gaze along the crusted lattice desserts.

"Oh you have to try my blackberry pie!" She grabs a plate and cuts into her pie. "I picked the berries myself!" she says with pride.

I hand a plate to my father, mother, and take one for myself. Scooping a spoonful into my mouth my tongue is greeted with a sweet buttery taste. I close my eyes and savor it. It's homemade, not frozen from the store like mom gets. It's amazing.

"Oh my, that's horrible," Mother says around a mouthful of half-chewed pie. My eyes snap open to her rude comment.

"Are you trying to kill us, these seeds are bigger than rocks!" Dad plops the plate down on the table, blackberry flying everywhere.

"I'm sorry!" The woman's face turns bright red, and I can't stand to be with my parents a minute longer. Turning on my heel, I notice the entire town looking at us. The band has stopped, the men drinking beer have set their cups down, and the kids stare from the screen in the bounce house.

"I'll be in the car," I mutter, passing my parents without a word. Quickly I weave through the crowd, feeling humiliated. Why did my parents come to this? They knew this would not be their scene. How did they expect to make any friends like this?

My eyes filling with warm tears, I round a big maple tree and smack into a familiar leather jacket.

"Lisa!" I gasp.

She grabs onto my arms, lowering her head so our eyes meet. She smells good, like spice, and her hair is messy from the wind.

"You okay?"

"I—" Hesitating, I swallow. I don't want to tell her about my parents. I don't want her to meet them!

"Lisa!" A man sitting on some hay bales spits in a Mountain Dew bottle, two guys behind him staring at us intently. Or should I say, glaring.

They all jump to their feet and stride our way.

"Tell your friend she needs to leave. Think her and her family have caused enough distress today." His cold eyes and permanent frown line swing my way.

"Hey man, don't talk to her like that!" Lisa's shoulder's puff up. They are inches from each other's face's and I get a heavy feeling in my gut. I grab onto Lisa's sweaty arm.

"It's ok. I was just leaving," I spit, looking at the farmers as I say it. With my parents, nobody in this town will give me a chance and I don't blame them. We're a disaster waiting to happen.

They smile, their teeth stained yellow. Running my way back to the car my dress flows behind me. The smell of apples and green leaves swishing in the wind above me. This place could be really nice. It could be home if my home didn't follow me that is

I didn't say a word to my parents all the way home.



Getting up this morning I'm sore and really tired. My feet hit the plush carpet and I groan all the way to the closet to get a fresh pair of clothes. I get dressed in a maroon bralette and a boho style yellow dress with little flowers all over it. It will match my beaded sandals perfectly.

The dress is loose and comfy, and I head to the bathroom where I throw my long wavy hair up in a messy bun, not forgetting my favorite headband. The one Lisa had. I cannot believe she kept it. I cannot believe she looked for me all spring either.

Drawing on some eyeliner and mascara, I decide that's as good as it gets with the late night I had. Pressing my lips together I can feel butterflies bursting in my gut. I can't wait to see Lisa today. I wonder how much trouble she got in last night.

Love me crazy ( Jenlisa ) ( GIP )Where stories live. Discover now