If You Can Be Sorry, I Can Understand Pt. 1(Conor and Rollan)

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"Oomph." Conor flopped onto his bed, frustrated. If only I never gave the stupid talisman away...

In his opinion, his day had been pretty okay. Considering he'd given away a vital piece in ending this war. He thought back to the day's events. Tarik treated him the same as before and never really spoke about the talisman. Meilin..well she was gone so she couldn't say anything. That's probably my fault too. At least Abeke was talking to him. She'd been a little mad when she found out what he'd done but came to terms with it rather quickly. Rollan on the other hand, he wouldn't even acknowledge Conor. And when he did, it was always something spiteful. It didn't help that he had training with Rollan all day. Conor honestly hoped something bad would happen so everyone's attention wouldn't be on him. He hated it. He really thought Rollan would be the most understanding; they were close in age and he'd already seen so much. Maybe he should try apologizing again? It couldn't hurt. Worst case scenario, Rollan would stay oblivious to him. Turning on his side, he wasn't surprised to see Briggan staring at him, head cocked at an angle as if to say, "Are you going to wallow in your misery or are you going to feed me?" Conor sighed. "Let's go get you some dinner, Briggan.

Rollan stepped out of the corner as Conor left his room and headed in the direction of the kitchens. He watched the other boy's retreating back before contemplating his next decision. Did he really want to apologize? No. It's only because Tarik asked me to. At least that's what he kept telling himself. Actually, Tarik had said that. Said he needed to understand why Conor did what he did. It took Rollan another second before he realized that Briggan was still in the hallway staring right at him, his partner gone. It was unnerving to say the least. The wolf stared and stared, almost like he was conveying a message to Rollan. Luckily, Conor seemed to realise Briggan wasn't with him anymore and called for him. The wolf huffed, then raced down the hallway to Conor, paws clicking on the wooden floors. If Briggan was trying to send Rollan a message, he got it loud and clear. "Apologize to Conor or you might just be my next dinner." He let out the breath he didn't know he was holding in. He was going to apologize-just not today. He was just turning to go back to his own room when he came face to face with Abeke. Rolland swore he jumped 10 feet. He had to bite down on his bottom lip to keep from shouting out. "Geez, Abeke what was that for?" "Actually, why are you even here? I don't think your room is in this hallway." He scratched at the back of his neck to hide his embarrassment. Abeke laughed a bit before speaking. "I could ask the same of you." "My room's on the next floor and the stairs on this floor are the closest. I also wanted to talk to Conor but I just saw him and Briggan leave so no point in that." She squatted down to pet Uraza before straightening up again. "So why are you here?" Rollan panicked and said the first thing that came to mind. "I was heading to my room before you jump scared me." That was a total lie. Abeke stared at him for a moment. Rollan stared back. Yea, I'm not fooling her. Finally, Abeke shrugged. "Come on, Uraza." She patted her side, slipping past Rollan as she did. Apparently everyone's spirit animal was running on a different schedule because Uraza stalked forward before pausing right beside Rollan. He froze. It wasn't like he had something against the leopard-- more like she did. She was just huge! Rollan bet all his money--which wasn't much--that if Uraza so chose to, she could tear a limb off him and be gone in an instant. If he thought Briggan's stare was scary, Uraza's was terrifying. Her purple eyes burned with fire and she emitted a low rumble. Eventually she slinked away down the hall. Rollan leaned against the wall running his hand through his hair. Looks like I'm apologizing tomorrow. He then turned and went in the direction of his room. Hopefully no other animals had murderous intent tonight.

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