Kirat x Niri

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Kirat x Niri

Written: Tue. Jan. 17, 2023

Word Count: 294

(Niri's legs work bc I say so and bc she deserves them screw whatever being said her legs shouldn't work)

-The warm sun beat down on Kirat and Niri as they walked along one of the many beaches in the hundred Isles. While visiting Niri's family there, she suggested they visit the beach. Kirat, although he didn't show it, was excited to go. When they got there, Niri dropped everything and ran shouting, "Last one in is the son of a sea monkey's uncle!" Kirat stood in shock for a moment, trying to understand what she said before racing after her. He was too slow though, Niri already diving into the water. He waited at the water's edge waiting for her to resurface. Kirat's eyebrows furrowed, trying to spot Niri in the sparkling sea. He wasn't expecting what happened next though, because suddenly there was an explosion of water, and next thing Kirat was soaked. Niri's head poked out of the ocean giggling uncontrollably at the sight of Kirat sputtering and coughing. "Come, now! The high and mighty son of Lord Faisel is afraid of the ocean?" Kirat frowned, "You..." He jumped into the ocean intent on defeating Niri. She laughed again, waiting in anticipation for Kirat to show his face. She stilled though when he didn't. "Kirat...?" Suddenly, Niri was lifted into the air with a shout before coming back down with a splash. Now it was her turn to cough. Wiping the water out of her eyes, she turned to see Kirat standing a few feet away, a smirk on his face and hands on his hips. He laughed, shaking his head. "If I'm being honest, I think you look more like 'the son of a sea monkey's uncle' right now Niri." Niri simply huffed, pulling her hair out of her face and tying it into a ponytail. "Alright, you're on! Little Lord.."

                                                                             LA FIN

A/N: First one-shot done! Hope you enjoy this :) Make sure to review and comment with more requests. BTW, Niri won that battle; Kirat could never 🤣

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