16. Explain.

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Tears blurred my vision as I drove like a maniac to the hospital. Not that I had my license yet, I stole Daniels car keys and his car. Daniel gave me a few lessons on how to drive, but we stopped due to me stressing him out too much as I was that bad. I slammed my foot on the break as a green light suddenly turned to Amber.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I realised that I had NO time to waste, so I put my foot on the gas, flying through the red light. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I continued, storming down the road, I was scared. What if Luke had got to Dan? What if I gave myself up? What would Luke do to me? What would Ashton do if I gave myself up?

Surprisingly I made it to the hospital in one piece. Well... I was a wreck. I parked the car on the wonk, not giving a shit as I opened up the car door, hitting the car next to it. I sniffed then groaned, wiping at my face and climbing out of the car. I slammed the door shut and locked it before I ran into the hospital. My shoes squeaked on the floor as I ran. I had to be fast enough. I had to get there in time.

I didn't take the lift, I took the stairs. It would get me there much faster. Even though I wasn't the fittest person in the world, I still managed to keep going with no thought of stopping. As I ran though the doors that lead me away from the stairs on the third floor I ran into someone. I stumbled back, bouncing off a broad chest. Luckily the door broke my fall, it was a pull so I didn't fall through it. As I looked up, I squinted at the tall boy in front of me. Only he wasn't a boy... Was he a nurse?

"You have eyes. Use them.." He stated, only I didn't have time to stop. The boy with pale skin and blonde hair furrowed his eyebrows, a hint of annoyance in his voice. I shook my head as I peeled my eyes away from his emerald green ones. I took off again.

"Hey!" I heard the nurse shout, "hey! Get back here, you little shit!" I didn't stop. I didn't even look back. But the loud sound of a pair of footsteps following close behind only made me run faster, not that I could go much faster. I turned the corner, my feet skidding on the glossy floor as I found myself on Daniels ward. His room was in my sight. I was so close. At the other end of the corridor I saw someone turn the corner and head down the corridor towards me. I almost stopped dead in my tracks. But who I saw made me pick myself up from where I left off.

Luke was in a white coat, he looked like a doctor. He strutted down the corridor, not even looking up, not even noticing me. Only, the footsteps behind me, I heard them stop.

"Luke! Stop that girl!" The nurse from before shouted, causing Luke to stop and look up. His blue eyes landing on me. I was only a few steps away from Daniels room. So Luke had no chance of catching me. The smirk I saw on his face before I entered Daniels room sent shivers up my spine. It was evil. Almost devilish. And not in a good way. I slammed the door shut behind me, hearing a gasp from who I knew was my brother.

"Courtney?" Dan asked, I turned around, leaning on the door so Luke and the other guy couldn't get in. Not that my weight would stop them. "What are you doing here?" Daniel was up and dressed, his gym bag resting on the bed. Was he being let out?

"T-there's a-" I stopped to get my breath back. "A problem."

Daniel furrowed his eyebrows as he shook his brown curls out of his face.

"What kind of problem?" Daniel asked, the worry in his voice making me let out a sob.

"L-l-Luke" I breathed, my voice shaky.

"Who?" He asked, he seemed so confused. And as the knock on the door behind me made me jump and turn around, Daniel had already pushed me out of the way.

"It's the doctor, let him in." He said as he pulled open the door revealing a smiling Luke.

"Hi, how are you feeling Daniel? Are you ready to go home?" Luke questioned. He played the part well, I'd give him that.

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