9. Prom

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I absolutely hate Ellie for what she's done to my brother. Daniel disappears every night and then stumbles in early in the morning drunker then he's ever been. Usually he'd wake me up, mumbling about how not to love anybody. Which is awkward, don't you think?

So as I was pulling on my prom dress, I wasn't able to flash a smile. My make up was all done nice, as well as my hair but I just didn't feel like going. Yes Stacey was going to be there but overall, i didn't want to face Ashton and Jamie. The past 2 weeks at school have been torture, waiting for them to strike. It would be when I'm least expecting it. Although, who knows if their plan is still going ahead? Who knows if anything will happen, if they'll tell everybody about my life? But most of all, why would they want to do that? I may have been doing things with Jamie's boyfriend but she doesn't know about it. But I tried my very hardest to shove those feelings aside and the paranoia. I wanted to have a good night, I am going to force myself to have a good night.

Stacey picked me up and we drove to the school. And I happened to zone out when she started talking about all the hot boys and how we didn't have dates to prom. I wanted a date to prom, but only one person. And that person is Ashton. I want Ashton. Although, I can't shake the feeling of unfaithfulness, even if he was ever mine, would he really be mine? If he can sneak around with me and not tell his girlfriend then if we ever were together, what would he be doing behind my back? And more importantly, who?

"Courtney!" Stacey shouted making me snap my head towards her.

"What?" I asked aggressively, annoyed that she disrupted my thinking.

"Get out of the fucking car, seriously, we've been sat here for the past 3 minutes and all you've done is stare out of the window ignoring me." She snapped making me look around, I saw that we were in the school parking lot and I sighed.

"I'm sorry," I apologised, I didn't even realise we were here.

"It's fine, come on." Stacey said, making me climb out of the car unenthusiastically. I wanted to groan, and I wanted to go home. The only reason I was here was because I have a pushy best friend and an already paid for ticket. As we walked up to the front of the school we were met by other students and lots of people taking pictures. I found myself being nudged by Stacey.

"Will you at least pretend to be happy? Just for the pictures?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I stated and I forced a smile, trying my best to make it believable. All I wanted was for this to be over as soon as I entered the school. Walking down the sparkling and empty corridors due to over the top decorations, I already felt overwhelmed. And that was before Stacey pointed out two people in a class room.

"Oh my god! They're doing the dirty on Mr Chelsea's desk!" She laughed quietly as she pointed in.

"I don't want to see them! Jesus!" I laughed, which was the first time I had laughed in a long while, well, it felt like a long while. My laughter cut itself short as I realised who it was.

"Oh Ashton," Jamie moaned making me grab Stacey and pull her away further down the corridor. She groaned as she pushed me against a locker roughly.

"Courtney for gods sake! You need to get over him!" She shouted, louder then expected, "he's not yours to be jealous of and he never was!"

"Thanks for that Stacey, that's real supportive." I answered, feeling targeted.

"No! I am fed up of you moping around! It's your own fault for falling in love with him! Ashton will never be yours so why are you letting yourself be heart broken?" She shouted, but before I could answer her I heard a high pitched laugh, and it wasn't Stacey's. Looking to my right I noticed that Ashton and Jamie were done fucking in the classroom as they were now outside of it, looking at me.

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