11. Hopeful.

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Hey guys, just pointing out that I've based Daniel on my brother, his name is Daniel and has brown curly hair.. Your comments have been making me laugh ngl, how worried you all are about Daniel haha. I hope he's ok too. Xx

"Daniel?" I asked once more as I shook my brother. "Daniel! Please!" I kept shaking him, before I sat back and took a deep shaky breath, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I slowly reached for his wrist, putting two fingers on the inside of his wrist and searching for a pulse. I waited a few moments patiently, and then I felt something. It gave me hope as I let out a worried laugh, before I pulled out my phone and dialled 911 (It's 999 in England, and I was so close to putting that.)

"Hello, this is emergency services, how can we help?" A woman asked making me quiver.

"Can I have an a-ambulance to 56 Jones Street, please?" I asked, trying so hard to keep my cool. I was scared, I didn't know what the hell was wrong with my brother.

"Okay, what seems to be the problem?" She asked as calmly as ever. I wanted to shout at her for being so calm, but then again, she wasn't here, she wasn't me, and her brother wasn't lying on the floor unconcious with a very faint heartbeat.

"Uh, my brother is unconsious, I don't know what's wrong with him, I just found him like this.. His heart beats really faint, please hurry, I don't know what to do." I begged, feeling more desperate then I have in my life.

"Okay, the ambulance will be there in approximately 7 minutes, do you know how to put someone in the recovery position?" She asked and I sobbed.

"Yeah," I said, my voice breaking, never had I been so scared in my life.

"Okay miss, I'll stay on the phone with you until help arrives." The lady answered and I shook my head.

"You don't have to." I told her and then the line went dead. Maybe she didn't have to but I wanted her too. I began to cry as I moved Daniel into the recovery position and then that's when I looked around. I noticed the empty bottle of whisky and the bottle of prescribed pills spilled on the floor. I rushed over to the pills and saw that they were almost empty and with that I began to cry harder.

"Oh Daniel, what have you done?" I asked quietly before I heard a gasp behind me. I quickly turned around, scared as anything when I saw Ashton. His worried eyes flickered from Daniel to me.

"What's happened?" He asked calmly as he slowly stepped in.

"I don't know Ashton!" I sobbed, making him come closer and kneel beside me. "I just found him like this..."

"It's alright Courts, everything is going to be alright. Have you rang an ambulance?" He questioned and I nodded.

"Yeah, they'll be here soon." I informed him and Ashton looked scared, and that made me feel even worse. "Ash, I'm so scared."

"You're going to be okay, I have to go talk to Ellie, but he's going to be okay!" Ashton breathed as he stood up.

"How can you say that!?" I asked loudly, "how can you say that he's going to be okay when you don't even know what's wrong with him?"

Ashton sighed as he kneeled down again.

"Because I know Daniel. I know he's strong and I know he'll pull through this. And with you by his side? Courtney, you're unbreakable. He's going to be okay." Ashton said before he stood up again.

"Please don't leave me," I begged, "I don't know what to do."

"Just stay put, the ambulance-" he cut himself off as the sirens flooded his voice. He took a few steps out as I jumped up and ran for the door. I swung it open revealing the ambulance staff rushing towards the house. 2 paramedics rushed past me and into the house where as one walked over to me.

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