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But Charles quickly cut him off, his voice resolute, "I know what I'm doing, Dad."

4:05 pm

      Wedding March by Felix Mendelssohn,  began to play, filling the Chicago Cultural Center with its enchanting melody, Haylee and her father made their grand entrance Gliding in gracefully, in her stunning white dress, her arm wrapped around his. The room was adorned with elegant decorations, and filled with important people and personalities instead of family and friends. However, a subtle hint of sadness adorned her face, contrasting with the beauty of her attire. That captured the attention of everyone present. Including Mia's, Mia couldn't help but admire her from afar, trying her best not to let her gaze linger for too long. After all, Leah, her girlfriend, was seated right beside her.

Mia tried her best to keep her composure. But she couldn't help but feel disappointed;  the life little Michaela had once envisioned with Haylee was now shattered, just like her dreams and hopes were shattered the day she lost both of her parents. Nothing, she wasn't use to. Yet, Mia clung to the belief that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason meant that her path with Haylee was not meant to be.

"She looks amazing" Leah said just to see what her girlfriend would say.

"I guess." Mia simply said as both her and, Haylee eyes met briefly. Once Haylee got to Charles at the altar her father seated beside her mother and the Mayor, Charles Princeton the second.

As Charles and Haley stood at the altar, Haylee's face betrayed a mix of reluctance and resignation. The officiant, a close friend of Charles , took the stage, ready to lead the ceremony.

The ceremony began, and Charles and Haley exchanged forced smiles, Haylee's eyes searching for an escape from the unwanted union. The officiant's speech emphasized the importance of personal growth and individuality, but her heart was elsewhere. The vows were recited with a hint of bitterness, as Haley struggled to find the right words. They promised to support each other, but their voices lacked the genuine warmth and excitement that usually accompanies such promises.

"Charles Princeton, will you take Haylee Stanfield as your wedded wife, to cherish and love for the rest of your life, till death do you part?" the officiant asked, his voice filled with a mix of formality and anticipation.

"I do" Charles replied as a mischievous smile spread across of his face. Unlike Haylee, he was amused by this whole situation.

"Haylee Stanfield, do you take Charles Princeton as your wedding husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" the officiant asked, his words floating gently in the air. Haylee's eyes quickly darted to Mia, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face. But then looked at her father, before her gaze settled on Charles, who stood there with a wide grin on his face, eagerly awaiting her response.

In that moment, Haylee's mind raced. Memories of her past with Mia flashed through her thoughts, a bittersweet reminder of the love they once shared.

With a deep breath, she finally answered, "I do."

"I now declare you husband and wife, Mister and Misses Princeton." The officiant declared. The weight of those words settled on Haylee's shoulders, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of realization. This was it. There was no turning back.

As the officiant gave them permission to kiss, Charles wasted no time. He pulled Haylee into a fervent embrace, his lips meeting hers. But in that moment, Haylee's mind wandered, the memories of her past with Mia still lingering.

As the ceremony came to a close, applause filled the room, but it was tinged with a sense of unease. The guests, sensing the couple's reluctance, offered half-hearted congratulations, unsure of how to respond to a wedding that lacked the spark of true love. Since Charles and Haylee were important public no one spoke about the lack of warmth.

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