"who's party even is this?" I ask. I got told there was a party and that my friends were going, therefore I'm going.

"Brian Thomas's" Nick replies. I remember that Matt and Alex are mates with Brian Thomas. They probably got invited and just bought us along for the fun of it

Me on the other hand, I hate Brain, I thought Alex could be patronizing at times however Brian took patronizing to a whole new level. 

"Oh" is all I manage to say in reply to Nick.

A few hours into the party and I've already lost everyone I came to the party with. I continue drinking my gin and tonic. I did a few shots with Katie before she left with Jamie. I feel a little tipsy but not incredibly drunk. 

I wander past Matt and Brian, who are sat by a speaker which is blaring a song. It's so loud that i can't even tell what the song is.

"Julietta!" Brian yells over the music, incredibly drunk. By the looks of things, Matt's drunk too. "come try this" I don't know what it is, obviously its alcohol, and whatever it is, it's probably what they've both been drinking for the past couple hours which we've been here.

"do I have too?"

"c'mon Julietta, don't be a pussy." Matt laughs at this joke.

In order to prove I'm not a pussy or a lightweight or whatever scaredy-cat based nickname you can think of, I shakily take the suspicious beverage out of Brian's hand and chug the whole thing. As I do this, a few people shout "Chug Chug Chug Chug!" and yell "Whoo!" when I've finished.

Two more hours pass and I'm drunk. Incredibly drunk.

I stumble about the house that this party is being hosted in, in hopes that I find someone to talk to. I don't want to look like the total loner I probably am. I stumble towards the stairs and half walk half drag myself up them. When I get to the top of the stairs, I open the door that is immediately on my right and to my surprise, it's not empty. My eyes widen as I see Katie and Jamie drunkly kissing each other. I shut the door as quickly as I had opened it. Just as I turn out of the room, I bash into someone. It's Alex. He's presumably just come out the bathroom. I don't think he's drunk.

"woah, careful sweetheart" He holds my shoulders "are you drunk?" I don't answer "Julietta?"

"hmm? No" I lie. I have no idea why I was lying to him, I guess I just wanted to comtinue being my sensible self. As that's who I am. Julietta. Sensible.

"Don't lie Julietta. I can see you're drunk, you can barely even walk properly" he checks his watch. "It's, Nearly 4 am love, you ought to go home.

"How?" I quickly snap, "Nick is drunk so he can't exactly take us home."

"yeah and you can't even walk safely at the moment." As much as i don't want to admit defeat, what he just said was very true. 

He puts his left hand on my lower back and holds my right hand in his, standing to the right of me as he guides me down the stairs. 

"Nick, I'm taking Julietta home, tell Jamie. Also, can i have your keys mate?" Nick is sat in the corner, drinking a beer and reading. God knows where he got that book from but I hope its a good one. Drunk Nick makes me laugh. He reaches into his pocket and throws the keys at Alex, all without taking his eyes of his book. Alex catches the keys with his right hand, his left  still on my lower back as he begins to guide me to Nick's car. He helped me into the passenger seat and he did up the seatbelt for me. I feel ill. Violently ill.

"You alright darlin', you look a bit pale. You're not gonna pass out on me now, are you?" I wasn't really to sure about that, I often pass out when I get this drunk.

"I.. don't know" I mumble as he gets in the drivers seat and begins to drive.

Alex's POV

As we approach her house, I notice she's asleep. I gently stop the car outside her house and open the passenger door. I undo he seatbelt as gently as I can. Then, I scoop her into my arms. My left arm under her thighs and my right arm holding her back. She was light, weirdly very very light.

I get her door keys from out her bag, all with her still in my arms and I unlock her front door. I carry her up to her room and place her gently on her bed, laying on her side. I begin removing her shoes when her mum stands sleepily in Julietta's doorway.

"Alex? where's Jamie? 
"He's staying at nicks house, nick drove to his house and let me borrow his car to drop Julietta home" I lie. I'm presuming that Jamie is still at the party along with Matt and Nick.

"Oh, well you're welcome to stay the night and wait for Jamie if you want, it's up to you love." And with that she wanders back to her own room. I continue removing Julietta's shoes. As I do so, she lets out a soft groan and I quickly jog down the stairs to find a bucket, in case she throws up. I then return upstairs to Julietta. I place the bucket next to her bed and I lay a towel underneath it. I pull the covers out from under her and then tuck her in the duvet. I sit next to her on the bed and gently stroke her cheek with my finger.

I then plant a gentle kiss on her forehead and whisper "Goodnight Love." 

Your shoelaces are undoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora