Fun is not our motto

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During the middle of the day, it was usually sleeping time for the gang. So all stood yawning by the car, as they stuffed their bags and suitcases inside. At that Koi stood by the edge of them with awful dark circles under his eyes. Zigz made fun of him by greeting him with a wide smile: "Well? How are we feeling?". "I want to kill myself", he gave off, empty on the inside. Shota stayed up just for him, because he wanted to say goodbye before their departure. So he noticed that and growled at Lucky, grabbing him by his collar: "Don't you dare let him jump off the railing! You better be carefully looking out for my brother!". Derogatory he pulled himself out of his grip and kept on with packing up. Unexpectedly, Kiki joined with a suitcase: "Sorry for running late. I don't have a good excuse". Zigz startled: "What are you doing?". Also Ilus got suspect: "You weren't part of the plan".

Self-evidently she shrugged: "I thought we're going on a cruise". Zigz stammered: "B- but, the children-". "Shota's taking care of them. Or don't you want to enjoy a nice cruise with me? When our kids are older, we won't get to do these things anymore", she pushed her suitcase to the others into the trunk. Irritated he pointed up the building: "But Jurij- And Talita- We can't just let Shota- Ilus, then I have to stay!".

"You fucking lost it? Primer is good with kids. We only have seven days for this mission. Then you'll see them again", he denied, "But Kiki, you'll pay for that ticket yourself". "No problem, trust me", she waved off and took a seat. From the window Jurij waved happily: "Have fun, mom~ Have fun, dad~". Shota called up: "I'll be with you any minute now. You can already put on your pj's". Zigz only hesitantly let himself be dragged into the car: "Does that-... m- mean you'll sleep in our bed?". Without contradictions Shark pushed him onto the seats.

Everything and everyone was stored in the seven-seater, a member from second rank drove them to the airport. There Koi was supposed to hide his identity, but he was too emotionally dead to care for his cover. As they waited in front of the boarding area, they sat on a bank opposite to woman who recognized his face. She got up scared and quickly made a run for it. Maybe it was also just his creepy dead-stare.

With the fake ID's and passports they managed to get through. Right before getting on the plane, Ilus mumbled at his documents: "Good to know that they actually work and we haven't scammed hundreds of people...". Shark asked: "Why don't we take private jet?". "Please, go clear out three more major drug offenses and then we could afford such luxury", Ilus offered sarcastically.

Zigz looked around nervously: "Are you guys getting so anxious at public airports too? There are so many people here". Kiki mentioned with her eyes closed: "If you constantly look around like a terrorist, then people will get suspicious". Lucky raised an eyebrow: "It can't be as bad as our helicopter flight". Koi remembered well and spoke hollow: "We should have died". "And Fishhead should have perscribed you stronger anti-depressants", he looked at him both worried and perplexed.


After one long flight, they landed in Pisa, where they took a bus down to the harbour of Livorno - There they boarded the huge and luxurious cruise ship. Some were incredibly tired, others were entirely fascinated by Europe. Teddy checked all his surroundings and asked: "Isn't Portugal a neighbouring country of Italy?". Lucky twisted his look: "No...?". "Really? But I was so sure", he kept taking in the sight. "Oh, Americans...", Lucky's look turned to desperation.

While getting on the liner, all were confused to see Dexter. Ilus noticed him first: "Dexter?". He turned arund and smiled in surprise: "Oh, hey. What are you do-?". It clicked fast, he flinched, ran up to them and asked in panic: "Where is the bomb?". "There is none yet. Did you know about this mission?", he asked. "No", puzzled Dexter shook his head, "I've just seen Italy so many times on dry land, I wanted to drift across the ocean".

Teddy squinted his eyes: "Where did you get the money from?". "It was my birthday, remember? My parents gave this cruise as a gift to me", he explained. Ilus pitied: "We're sorry for having to crash your dreamy travel". Shark assured while picking up Dexter's dog: "But Vanilla will be safe, promise". With his shoulders raised, Teddy suggested: "Actually, you could continue on with your vacay. We may not have a thought-out plan yet, but we just want to hunt down a drug offense. The normal employees for leisure and comfort surely won't be involved in any of that".

Immediately Dexter refused: "No way! How am I supposed to focus on vacation and relaxation when you're on mission? Of course I'm going to help you!". Ilus smiled: "I'm so happy to have you as an unpaid worker". "Yeah... I also enjoy being friends with you...", he tilted his head. "It actually fits quite well that you're here. Kiki took advantage of Shark's bed and now he could sleep in your room", he remembered. -"But I only have one double bed". -"Won't make any difference, I booked rooms with double beds only". Lucky suddenly got keen of hearing: "Pardon?". "They didn't have anything else left, okay? We already booked on way too short notice anyway", Ilus defended himself.

After they got to enter the ship, Kiki pointed out one of the windows: "Look at the pool on this deck! Let's go for a swim!". Chef obviously had objections: "Kiki, you may be allowed to do whatever you want, but we're here for a serious job". "You have seven days. Do you want to spend all of them killing off some drug-jerks? Don't fuck around with me here, you do that shit every day. I bet a hundred percent even your boys expected two evenings full of fun and entertainment. Or what have you paid so much money for now?", she crossed her arms. Grumpily Ilus asked his men: "We'll see. Who of you packed some swimming trunks and cash to spend besides their guns?". All but Zigz and Koi raised their hands. Shook Ilus looked at Teddy: "Even you?!". "Seven days are seven days", he justified.

Kiki nudged her fianceé: "Why not you?". He thought it was obvious: "I strictly made it my goal to take every single mission dead-serious now, so I'll always return back home to you unscathed". Though she smiled, she didn't see the current situation as serious: "Then I'll have to pretend I forgot my swim wear too and we'll have to go skinny dipping". Lucky leaned forward a bit to look at her: "Will you stop being constantly out for his mountain-dick?". He got a book thrown at his head: "I do what I want!". Disturbed Chef turned to Lucky: "What did you just say?". Rubbing his head he repeated: "Did none of you notice in the showers in pris-?". Zigz interrupted him by knocking him out with his suitcase. "Pervert!", he hissed, burning red. Koi stared at his best friend and asked Zigz: "Can you take me out too?".

Ilus turned away from his first league and mumbled to himself: "Once again, a wonderful start...". Teddy knew him well by now and therefore ordered the gang: "You know where your rooms are and you've got your keys. Go settle down first. We'll meet again in half an hour, our room, for closer details". As far as goes, they went their ways. Just Koi aimlessly dropped down beside his unconscious buddy and waited for him to wake up again.

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