The cookies are all MINE

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Nonetheless, later on Koi hid in his hole while the others took care of the tree. Henry praised: "I love the idea to decorate the tree with food". Lucky shrugged: "Didn't do it alone". Zigz gave Jurij a boost to hang up some sugar canes. Kiki leaned her head on his shoulder: "I think it's good for him to experience holidays like this too. Up until now he never really had a christmas". Smiling he booped Jurij's nose: "Yeah, just look at his beaming eyes". The little boy laughed and raised his arms: "Christmas is awesome!". Dexter smirked: "Wait until he's getting all the presents. Then you won't get rid of him anymore, all year long. I remember when I took part in a charity fund for a poor foster home. Those kids pretty much had their first christmas then too. They thought I was Santa".

Kiki's heart got filled with joy: "Aw, that sounds like a beautiful memory". "Damn right, but the best christmas I've had so far was when my cab driver's car broke down in the mid of nowhere on boxing day. We we're quite scared first since everything looked like a ghetto. But two homeless men approached us to help fix the car. Then we spent the evening with them and just laughed. That was all we needed to make us happy", he told with a wide smile. Lucky noticed Koi peeking from the curtain and therefore grinned silently. At that the grinch disppeared again muttering.

Shota came around the corner with a star on his head and his body wrapped in tinsels: "Hahaha, I'm a christmas tree!". Ilus took the star off his head: "Give that here, we need it for the tree that doesn't talk". A few laughed at him. Koi couldn't stand all the giggles anymore and was on his way to eat all the other's cookies in the kitchen. Lucky walked up to him and Koi immediately stopped in his tracks: "You're trying to trick me into liking this holiday. I looked through your plan long ago". "I'm not. All I'm trying is for you to stop being so pissed. If you don't want to celebrate, can't you at least be in a normal mood?", he leasurely shook his head. "Can't you at least shut the fuck up?", he countered.

Zigz called inbetween: "Now you're standing underneath the mistletoe, how inconvenient". Koi threw a sharp look at him. To top it off, Lucky provoked him by stretching his cheek towards him and tapping on it. For that he only got slapped. "You can smooch each other!", Koi was still polite with his phrasing, while slamming the kitchen door behind him. Laughing Lucky rubbed his paining face: "What a grinch".


"Christmas eve~", Henry sang happily while dancing down the stairs. Dexter looked at him in confusion: "You're layered in lots of clothes. Where are you headed?". "I'm picking up a special present", he winked, "Don't tell Ilus, alright?". -"Oh, I'm sure he's going to beat you up himself for that tomorrow". -"Surely. But I don't care. So, before I'm out, I want a cookie". Lucky meant: "The grinch-ball ate them all". "All of them?", Henry gazed. From the hiding-cave of bad moods Koi sounded: "Hah!". But Henry turned the cards around: "Alright, then you'll have to bake new ones". Rapidly he ripped the curtain to the side: "Excuse me?!". "You can gather someone's help, but we don't accept you eating the cookies you didn't help making - all of them", he remained strict and left the hideout.

Koi complained: "What the hell? I can't bake! I'm asian - I can fry". Lucky paused his training and dragged him to the kitchen: "Don't be such a bitch. You can also manage an oven. I know a wonderful cookie recipe from my grandpa". Zigz mentioned: "Now they were underneath the mistletoe once again". In the following a spoon from the kitchen came flying against his head with the comment: "Go entertain yourself with your wife!".

From upstairs Shark approached in a cuddly, with reindeers printed, sweater. Dexter clapped: "I knew it would fit you. Do you like it?". "It's very warm", he nodded satisfied. After that Dexter put an alike one on himself. Zigz twisted his look: "You enjoy wearing these ugly christmas sweaters?". "They're not ugly! They create the mood, are warm and some even have funny prints to look at", while listing the advantages, Dexter also gave him a sweater and put a red pom hat on his head. He had one like that too, but it also had bells attached to it. Elated he bopped his head back and forth.

That sound wasn't to everybody's liking. With a mixer in his hand Koi stomped out of the kitchen: "Who's jingeling so annoyingly here?". Lucky followed him, ripped Dexter the hat off to put it on himself and wiggled around laughing: "Me". Threatening Koi stared him down and activated the stirring sticks. Alarmed, but smirking, Lucky ran back to the kitchen: "Please don't stir my nose!". Zigz started counting on the mistletoe: "The third time". "Don't be so uptight with it. You also stood underneath it with Shota once", Dexter crossed his arms. He meant uncomfortably: "Yeah, but some things have boundaries".

Not much time went by. Just an hour later all the lights turned off and it got dark. Ilus feared: "The blizzard probably caused a blackout". Dexter turned on the flashlight on his phone and got up: "You surely have some candles around here, right?". "Well, they're scented. If we light them all, we'll smell like a brothel. But the way it's storming outside, the power won't come back so soon", he doubted. In the darkness Ilus couldn't look that far, but he heard Koi slamming the kitchen door open: "To all shit this now too? I won't get creative now. One round of cookies is done. Otherwise, have fun with another half-done round. And like hell I'm going to decorate blind. I'll take a nap now".

Audibly he bumped into a few pieces of furniture first until reaching his couch. Lucky too returned to the main hall, but with a flashlight and a basket full of cookies. His co-workers got blinded and Shark complained: "Do you have to use your military-lamp?". "I didn't have anything else on me right now. Sorry, but in return I got some goodies", his mood was definitely brighter than his best friend's. As he shared the cookies, Dexter lit some candles: "Those really aren't a lot. Guess we have to sit closely together if we want to see something". Ilus threw his pen: "Work is now entirely impossible".

Zigz carefully lead Kiki and Jurij down the stairs. Since they were using a light source, Ilus was able to notice: "Kiki, you're pale". "I'm feeling a little under the weather", she waved off. Zigz added: "For safety measures I'm looking after her". "Then let's hope you'll feel better soon. In a few hours we'll open our presents. Maybe you try sleeping a bit. We can't really do anything right now here, so you shouldn't be disturbed", he suggested and sat down at the only illuminated source - the christmas tree midst of the main hall. Through the door to the outside Henry joined, sighing relieved: "Made it just in time. Suddenly all the street lights went dark. The entire street's power is cut off". This quickly Ilus jumped up again to hug him: "Luckily you didn't get lost or crashed with the car". "I may be from California, but I've also been to Russia", he joked.

One after the other they gathered around the tree. Shark asked: "And, Chef? What now?". "I dunno. Going to sleep again would be an option. But I'm not sure whether we want to group-cuddle on the floor around several unsecured candles", he shrugged. Randomly Zigz started humming the melody of Silver Bells. At the calm sounds Kiki leaned against her husband's shoulder and closed her eyes. Lucky joined by singing the text. Shota sang too, and it didn't take long until most of them were either humming or singing together - Getting their eyes lost on the dimly lit decorations of the christmas tree. And Ilus said at the beginning that the battery driven fairy lights were ridiculous. Though the weather was stormy, the mood was calm and peaceful.

On his sofa Koi laid, observing through a small opening of the curtains. How they shared a harmonic moment altogether as a big family. At that sight his tired eyes shut and he drifted away at ease.

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