Death wish (Sehunxreader)

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Inspired by a monster romance book I read about a demon plus a manhwa about a demon. Let's establish he's gonna have an unrealistic dick size because this is technically classified as a "monster romance". Also size different he's seven feet tall.

Idol: Sehun - exo


"The demon realm is believed to exist somewhere below the ground you walk on. It's said that when a demon surfaces the first person they see becomes their bride. No matter what you do and how hard you try, you'll always end up back with them"

Your town was supposed to be perfectly lined up with the underworld. The perfect place for demons to surface. It was believed that if you wished to die on birthday candles a demon would surface right in front of you and drive you to insanity before taking you to hell. Everyone in your town was highly superstition, not you though. You did everything you were told not to do.

"I don't believe that," You laugh as your friend tells you about the birthday death wish "It's so stupid."

"Y/n, don't try it. You always try everything I say not to," Mina says walking next to you.

"Yeah, because it's they're stupidest things I've ever heard. Watch, I'll do it tomorrow on my birthday," you laugh.

"Y/n, no!! What is wrong with you," she looks at you in disgust.

"Nothing is gonna happen, Mina. I'll come back perfectly fine," You smile before heading off to your next lecture.

You studied parapsychology since you just didn't believe in it at all. Since you were young the paranormal has interested you. You would participate in rituals, games, and stupid superstitions all in the name of "Studying the paranormal". Which, as stated before, you didn't believe in.

***Next day***

You waited until your mom left to get your birthday cake and put in your candles.

You take a deep breath, close your eyes, and blow out the candles wishing for your death. You keep your eyes closed waiting for anything when nothing happens you slowly open your eyes. The room was dark, the lights must've gone out. You get up grabbing your flashlight before heading down the steps to the basement. With each step, it sounded as if there was another set matching yours. You turn around and see no one. Again and again with each hear the matching steps.

"You're making yourself paranoid," you say out loud in the darkness.

You head over to the fuse box turning the lights back on. The light in the basement flickered before turning fully on. As you turn around you notice a figure standing in the corner. You, not being dumb, throw your flashlight at the figure hearing it smack it in the head before running upstairs and out the door.

You sit outside waiting for anything to happen...or for your mom to get home.

"Hitting me in the head isn't very nice," you hear a voice behind you making you jump.

You grab a rock throwing it at his face.

"Goddamn!" He yell holding his face "I didn't mean to scare you. Fuck."

You look up at the tall figure with slick short horns on its head. Not it...his. He looked like a normal man, minus the horns.

"You call me and then abuse me," he pouts "I'm quite handsome you know. You breaking my face isn't gonna help that."

You watch as his nose cracks back into place healing itself.

"Y/n?" He asks.

"Yes," you grab another rock getting ready to throw it.

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