026 | my baby has to live.

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On an official bright side, hershel had woken up, and reggie was beyond happy

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On an official bright side, hershel had woken up, and reggie was beyond happy. he had sat with him in the morning for a little bit. it was a relief that he wasn't going to lose another parent. he had rick to thank for that. when he got out of the room with hershel, reggie didn't even look at daryl. daryl didn't look at reggie, either. they were both outside with carol, rick, and t-dog, as they were moving the cars inside the prison walls. reggie had missed his car. he hated to think about it out there alone, free for anybody to take. he tried to think about how he'd feel if his car got stolen, but he just couldn't even imagine it. he loved it too much. his car was the first one he got inside the gate. with a bit of help, he quickly ran out of the gates and drove it back in before anybody could say a word about it. he didn't care, though. he wasn't leaving it outside.

now, though, he was stood with his hands on his hips as he looked at rick, waiting for him to tell him what to do. marcus had been on his mind a whole lot. it had been a week since he had seen him. he was thinking about avoiding him. marcus wasn't allowed in the cell block with everybody else, anyway, so it wasn't like he would have to bump into him if he didn't want to. he could avoid marcus without a doubt. he wouldn't have to tell a soul what happened between them, and he could just avoid him. he never really had to see marcus again, so it was a win situation in reggie's books. he actually felt a little relieved once he had came to that conclusion. he wasn't going to get hurt again, not by marcus, anyway. that brought peace to his mind, a lot of peace.

"okay, now that reggie has claimed importance, let's get the rest of the cars in. we'll park them in the west entry of the yard." rick said, pointing over to said west entry, where reggie had parked.

"good. our vehicles camped out there look like giant 'vacancy' sign." daryl said. he did have a point, but reggie wouldn't admit it.

"after that we need to load up these corpses so we can burn 'em." rick said, making reggie jokingly smile and wiggle his fingers.

"fun little cremation moment." he said, making carol laugh.

"your dad isn't here to say it, so i will. reginald, do you always have to do this?" carol grinned, looking at him. reggie laughed.

"it's gonna be a long day." t-dog said, letting out a breath as he held one of his hands on his hip.

"at least we'll get rid'a the smell'a death. can't deal with that for a second longer." reggie said, scrunching his nose up. "gross."

"where's glenn and maggie? we could use some help." carol said. daryl looked up to the watch tower, and reggie grimaced. he did not need that picture of his sister and her dumb boyfriend in his head. he held his forehead, trying to her the image out.

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