Chapter 2

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A petite figure holding a lantern appeared from behind the copper and glass door. "Who's there?"

"Hannah?" Mom said. "It's me, Elizabeth, and Penelope."

"Beth?" The thin-lipped woman opened the door further. "Land sakes. What on earth are you girls doing here? You're soaked. Where are your coats?"

Mom wiped her wet bangs out of her eyes. "Long story. I didn't plan very well. Sorry for the short notice."

"You mean no notice." Aunt Hannah squinted her brown eyes and mumbled under her breath as she stepped backward. "Well, come on in. You'll catch your death of pneumonia out there."

The chateau's doorway led into an open atrium where grand staircases climbed on either side.

Uncle William hollered from the west sitting room. "Hannah! Stop talking like that. Who is it?"

"It's your sister and Penelope."

"What? My sister?"

"Yes, Beth is here."

"Come in. Come in." In the soft firelight, my uncle's frail arm beckoned us from a brown leather chair. A crackle from a fireplace cast marred shadows across wood-paneled walls.

Relief swept over me.

Uncle William gestured again. "Welcome. Come, and warm up by the fire."

Through a second threshold leading into the literary room, I inched inside with my arms crossed. A wall of smog-filled air and moldy cheese stifled my breath as I hurdled over a maze of coats and toys. We definitely should have called. I exchanged a look with Mom.

She stooped near Uncle William and placed a caring hand on his shoulder. "How are you doing, William?"

He peered at her over his glasses. "I have good and bad days—mostly tired. Why didn't you call and tell us you were coming for a visit? We could have prepared a place for you."

I held my breath, not sure what my mom would say.

"Well, for one, I wanted to help with the house, and two, I didn't want you telling us not to come."

She joined me huddled by the fireplace. We rubbed our arms and blew into our cupped hands, absorbing the heat.

My aunt reached out for us. "Let's get you dry and warm."

"Thank you, Hannah—right behind you. I'd like to speak with my brother for a moment if you don't mind."

"Suit yourself." My aunt motioned for me with her bony fingers. "Come, Penelope."

I clutched my shivering arms. "Yes, ma'am."

"What happened to your hair? It's so short. When you were little, you had such beautiful long locks."

"Yeah. I had it cut."

"Well, it'll grow out soon enough, I suppose." She gently tugged on a piece of my wet hair. "How old are you, now, Penelope?"

"I'll be fourteen in August."

"A little short for your age, aren't you?" She held her hand above my head. "Oh, I need to grab some towels."

Aunt Hannah walked through the foyer and yelled toward the second floor. "Kids! We have company! Your Aunt Beth and Penelope are here for a visit—all the way from San Francisco!"

Hollow thumps multiplied above our heads, and six kids with flashlights charged down the stairs. My cousins were all boys, except for Margaret, who was a little older than me. John and Thomas were the older boys, and Richard, Dennis, and Lewis were the younger boys.

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